Box for rainy days

Days are coming rain and many of you, the parents, enter a state of panic while you break the coconut thinking about things to do with children on a rainy day, these ideas you can put all of them in a little box that I called “Box for rainy days”.

It is a very original idea that you can also do with your children and it will be useful for every day that you cannot leave home. It is about making a little box or a jar full of little papers with ideas of activities to do at home with your children.

For this we need:

  • An empty and clean jug (the typical vegetable can serve you).
  • Colored cards
  • Scissors
  • Markers or colored pencils
  • Colored adhesive tape (washi tape), heat or glue.

How it is done

We decorate the jar with drawings made by the children. You can make any drawing although it will be funny if you use elements that remind of the rain. We made drawings on white labels and hooked them in the jar. We decorate it with a little white washi tape with red polka dots.

We cut the cards with scissors in elongated strips. We write the ideas of things to do with children when it rains on the cut cards. We fold them and put them in the jar.

We cover and store it to take it out when the rain prevents us from going outside.
When you go to use it, let the child take out the paper and read aloud what is written. Normally, the youngest children will start taking out one piece of paper after another, let's try to be patient because sometimes these things do not go as the father expects, we will simply wait for him to get tired with the papers and we will start with the activity he touches.

We are doing the activities that go out and keep the pieces of paper in a separate box so that they are not lost and then we can return them to their place.

Now we have a jar with ideas for rainy days to take out whenever we want.

Some ideas to write in the notes could be:

  • Draw with computer

  • Call grandparents

  • Write letters or e-mails to friends or family

  • Collect rainwater in a jar

  • Listen to music and dance

Video: Rainy day box opening- kid review (July 2024).