Lying the baby in the crib without waking up

A very frequent scene: the baby has fallen asleep in his arms and we want to put him in his crib. How to do it without interrupting your peaceful dream? Some parents consider it an impossible mission, just support him in the crib and start crying. Normal.

It is normal that by separating it from your warm arms and supporting it on a cold surface the baby perceives the difference and wakes up, but with a little delicacy and some training you can leave the toddler in the crib without finding out.

Almost all babies (if not all) love to sleep in their arms for a walk (who doesn't?). The passage of the arms of dad or mom to the crib, or of the arms to the bed or the stroller is a transition that must be done with determination but at the same time very gently and accompanied by affectionate words.

For starters, the atmosphere must be cozy and quiet. Everything should be prepared when we go to bed the baby: the baby changed (it is not time to change diapers or pajamas; he will surely wake up), the lights should be dim, the room without noise, just in case a quiet music and the crib ready It is best to wait until the baby has passed the first phase of sleep and is deeply asleep.

When we have the baby asleep in our arms, one of our hands holds his head and the upper part of his back, while the other holds his lower back.

Needless to say, when we have a baby in our arms, it is better to take off bracelets, watches or rings that may cause damage when rubbing.

When we go to bed, the last thing we should release is his head. The hand that holds it should accompany it until it is lying down because if we release it the baby will feel insecure and wake up.

That is why we have to approach the crib by crouching as much as possible and resting the baby on its back or side on the mattress while still holding it. Then take your hand out from under the culete and slide the arm under the head very gently (but very gently).

At that time, caresses and affectionate words are essential for the baby to feel that you are still there. Accommodate him in the crib, clothe him and if he has woken up accompany him until he falls asleep again. If you take it again in your arms, you will surely fall asleep again right away.

Video: Father still in the Baby Crib! (July 2024).