What would you change and stop education? the question of the week

Like every Wednesday, the time comes to perform the question of the week and know all your answers, which you can answer in the Answers section, at the same time you vote for those that you like the most.

Recently, our partner Mireia Long talked to us about her proposals to change education. Therefore, and for that reason we ask you:

What would you change and stop education?

We would like you to provide us with what aspects you think are the strengths of current education and which are the weakest and, therefore, candidates to be able to improve in future revisions of the education system. What aspects do you prioritize? Which do you think are indispensable?

Last week's question

Seven days ago we wanted to know your opinion, following the proximity of good weather and school vacations, about summer camps, yes or no?

The answers most valued by you have been that of Smatsua, who told us that

I went to many camps since I was 8 years old, I was very outgoing and had a great time, I didn't want to go back. Now, I know children who had a hard time so I think it should always be a child's decision. Interesting are the options of day camps where children can go play for a little while in an enclosed area where they do morning or afternoon activities, and sometimes day trips to nearby sites.

the question of the week Now available in our Answers section. You have seven days to respond in our Answers section, as well as to vote for others.

Video: 8020 Question of the Week #2 - Single Habit to Start Stop Change (July 2024).