Dads and moms blogs (XXV)

Today, like every Tuesday, we bring you a review with some Featured content that we have been able to read this week on moms and dads blogs, in a tour of other looks and experiences with pregnancies, babies and children.

Babies and spices It tells us about something that we have commented on occasions and that should be remembered, especially to first-time parents: what we need when a baby arrives, from that essential to the unnecessary. Actually, they need very little (or much, as you look), with our pampering and care we already give everything.

In Uma's diary We are following the Preñil Logbook, which is already in the 17th week of pregnancy and with a tremendous desire to know the sex of the baby. There is less left to be seen ...

Our reader ilargibeltz left us the clue of her blog Mom of a witch We have already known, and these days we had a bad experience in consulting the pediatrician for the review of the five months of his baby, when he was encouraged to introduce new foods to the detriment of exclusive breastfeeding. An experience with which I feel very identified because I lived it not long ago with my baby.

Angie in Mom's apprentice He tells us his feelings, expectations and reflections when facing the first vacation without his children, a different experience but from which he also hopes to extract positive experiences.

In A pregnancy and a thousand words Rocío tells us the first time he goes to the movies with his son, a test more than passed and I hope to encourage other parents who have not yet tried to enjoy a movie with the little ones. There is no better season than on vacation for family movies!

And we keep talking about movies and children, because Aleida in My mom spoils me ... too much? He tells us how his four-year-old son met another girl at the cinema, watching Shrek, and they ended up getting along very well, sharing laughs, popcorn and with a big kiss goodbye ... It's all a ligoncete. Oh, the first loves ...!

And although many are on vacation, others tell us the other side of the coin. Ivanna ... mom's cookie These days he has seen how his mother has started working, and how this change has affected the whole family. Surely many moms are reflected in that painful feeling of seeing the little face they have left when they see that we are going to work.

Finally in I arrive at the end of the month We find as always interesting tips for the family economy, in this case commenting on the factors to consider before buying a twin cart, a great investment that has to be done with a head.

This is what we found this week by the parents 'and moms' blogs that we usually visit, and some recent discoveries that we hope will also interest you. Next week we will return with the review of the dad and moms blogosphere.

Video: Tyga - SWISH Official Music Video (July 2024).