Bitrex, safety against poisonings in children

We must be very careful about how and where we store toxic substances at home. Items such as cleaning products have bright colors and are a potential danger if they are available to children.

To protect against accidental poisonings in children, which are the cause of approximately 35% of childhood poisonings in Europe, it has been invented Bitrex 50 years ago. It is the substance, they say, most bitter in the world (I have not tried it to prove it, nor do I want to) and is added to chemicals to protect children from dangerous liquids.

The boats with colored liquids can be very interesting for our little explorers, if they manage to open it and drink it there is a serious risk of poisoning.

We are therefore advised to look for products that incorporate the Bitrex security seal in their labels.

In any case, it is considered a third barrier of protection. The first is not to store cleaning items, bleach, insecticides, etc. within the reach of children, not to store them in low furniture, always high and if possible with closed doors. The second is safety caps and child resistant packaging. The third, if they have managed to reach it and open it, is Bitrex, which when added to the liquid makes it very bitter. It makes a lot of disgust (children and anyone) turning household products and pesticides into undrinkable.

In any case, it is never too much to know how we should act before intoxication and be able to give first aid.

Official site | Bitrex In Babies and more | Home accidents are the first cause of child mortality, Web to prevent accidents at home

Video: Children's hospital staff brave the Bitrex Big Taste Test (July 2024).