Babies are amazing survivors (II)

A few days ago, on one of those nights when our five-month-old son Guim woke up several times, letting us sleep rather little and when he was going to tell him about "what a little night, Guim," he gave us one of those smiles in which babies close their eyes that transformed our discomfort into "one of these days, I eat you".

This reminded me that the children are amazing survivors (He transformed our despair into joy just by smiling) and reminded me of the news that a few days ago I read that Luz Milagros, the girl who was declared dead at birth, left the hospital to finally go home, and remember to All those children who survive various disasters against all odds.

In comparison, my son is purely anecdotal, a bad night and period, a smile to avoid getting angry with him, a resource that babies bring as a series to prevent their parents, in a nervous breakdown, hurt them . Little to do with what happened with Luz Milagros, who was born with six months of gestation and 500 grams, was given dead and spent twelve hours in a refrigerated drawer in the morgue until her mother, insisting on going to see her, he realized that she was alive.

She has been hospitalized for five months with very intense care, many of whom will have to remain at home. For this, your home has been prepared and equipped with complex machines and equipment. The doctors of the hospital will be monitoring the state of the girl in the coming weeks, because Luz Milagros has to remain connected to an artificial respirator that helps her in inspiration and two nurses, in two shifts, will continue with the girl 24 hours a day .

Other children who have proven to be true survivors are, for example, Angel Babcock, a 14-month-old girl who It was found 16 km from his home, alive, after a chain of tornadoes that affected the US, being the only survivor of his family, and all those children that I talked about a little over a year ago in similar situations.

It is commonly said that cats have seven lives, because it seems that they are coming out of there where it seems they will not return. Well, children should not go far in terms of lives, because more than one has miraculously survived, like Luz Milagros, whose name has a lot to do with his experience.

Video: 2WEI - Survivor Epic Cover - "Tomb Raider - Trailer 2 Music" (July 2024).