"Take care and protect your breathing", to prevent childhood respiratory infections

Acute respiratory infections are the leading cause of infant mortality in the world, and an important reason for hospitalization, and yesterday the event "Take care and protect your breathing" He wanted to remind families. It is an initiative promoted by different patient associations, by the Spanish Society of Neonatology, families and specialists.

There you could see the musical performance of "The Book of Tales", which gave some fun lessons about friendship and prevention for child health care. Now with the arrival of the coming cold, respiratory diseases such as bronchiolitis are the order of the day.

The acute respiratory infections They are infectious pathologies generally produced by viruses that affect the respiratory tract and mainly affect the pediatric population. Around two million children under the age of five die each year in the world due to acute respiratory infections, but most cases can be prevented with proper care.

Recall that these infections are the most frequent cause of pediatric consultation and hospitalization and are mainly represented by bronchiolitis and pneumonia, the most serious infections.

Control the flu pictures of children, avoid contagion, ventilate the house, avoid sudden changes in temperature, warm shelter, wash your hands frequently ... are some measures to prevent respiratory diseases. Let's not forget the importance of take care and protect your breathing.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).