There are still child servants

Imagine that you are going through economic troubles at home and send your children with another family to serve as servants. It might seem like a film issue that takes us to another era, but it is real, and current. There are still child servants, boys and girls who serve families other than their own and who are often victims of multiple abuses.

It is known as "criadazgo", a frequent practice in Paraguay and to which we want to put a brake on the high risk that these raised children fall into.

The Global Non-Governmental Organization for Children has launched a campaign to end the employment of children as servants, a practice that affects some 49,000 children in this country of South America.

With the motto "Finish the breeding", it has the support of the European Union and Save the Children, and is carried out within the framework of the project "Protection of children and adolescents from childcare and trafficking", executed by Global Children.

It is an awareness initiative that seeks to protect children and adolescents from domestic child labor and prevent the risks that expose them to being victims of human trafficking.

The campaign is based, as we can see in the image above, on which you should not close your eyes to the problem of child servitude. This requires a greater education of the peasant families (in which this problem occurs mainly) and a greater awareness of the whole society.

According to the NGO there are thousands of Paraguayan families who have one or more underage servants who do many domestic jobs, and who are particularly vulnerable to being victims of all types of violence (physical, emotional, sexual and labor) since the Work they do is often hidden from the eyes of citizens.

This practice is not an act of affection but of exploitation, and cannot be allowed, since it violates the rights of children.

The campaign will last until June 12 and will feature, among other actions on social networks, with radio and television ads, the broadcast of the radio soap opera "El Diario de Anita" and street theaters in various parts of Paraguay.

The World Labor Organization (ILO) estimates that in 2010 there were all over the planet 15.5 million children involved in domestic work With and without remuneration, an unacceptable activity that must be eradicated.

The Paraguayan government has already received a touch of attention from the UN Human Rights Committee to cease in its territory the practice of this type of child exploitation, child-rearing.

There are still child servants, children who mostly lose the right to education and to their own family. They lose their childhood, are exploited and in the worst case being mistreated. Therefore we hope that this campaign contributes to the end of this custom.

Official Site | Global Childhood, Ends with childcare In Babies and more | How to have a world free of child labor ?, Education to combat child labor

Video: Bless The Child "The Servant" (July 2024).