Apple enters the world of learning with iBooks textbooks for iPad

A year ago we talked about how Apple placed themselves at the forefront of the digital teaching revolution with iBooks. A year later on the page of Manzana indicate that a new chapter opens in the world of learning And is that on the iPad we will be able to use multi-touch gestures to interact with textbooks, pass photos, rotate 3D objects, play videos and audio and in general access to educational books on iBooks.

The iBooks textbooks for the iPad can be viewed full screen with interactive diagrams, photos and videos. To illustrate books, it is no longer necessary to use a static image because students will now be able to access texts with images and interactive content. In addition, these books will allow highlighting text, taking notes, searching and seeing the definitions of the words included in the glossary of terms. The challenge is reduce the size and weight of the backpack because all the books fit on an iPad and can be taken anywhere.

In the video made for the presentation of the service by Engadget It is explained that Apple starts in more than 50 countries, that the content is interactive and that the phenomenon of digital books is unstoppable.

The main challenge is to obtain a wide and valid offer for teachers who are also facilitated to use iBooks Author, as we had commented a year ago. In addition to the offer, what needs to be improved is the process of searching and organizing content.

In any case, and within the wide educational offer that there is on the Internet, it is another reference that will have to be used to find useful and quality content. If in the 80s, as Miguel Illescas told us, children had to look for information now they have to learn to filter it, organize it and get the extraordinary offer performance.

We will continue to monitor Apple's evolution in the offer of educational content and especially we will have to know the opportunities that open up for small specialized publishers that can find an interesting market in Spain and Latin America.