Hello spoon !: first fruit porridge

Between the fourth and sixth month, the baby needs to strengthen their diet by incorporating vitamins and fibers of fruits as a complement to breastfeeding. A few days before starting to give the porridge it is convenient to offer the baby a spoon so that you become familiar with it and know what the matter is about.

The first meal is usually a fruit puree, which at the beginning are Banana, apple, pear and orange pulp. It is important that the fruits are very clean, without peel or heart and that the crushed is very fine so that the baby is pleasant and above all, so that it does not choke on a piece. It is also essential to first test with the fruits separately to verify that they do not generate an allergic reaction. Then you can combine the fruits, but you can't add new ones until the year. A tasty option is to add a couple of tablespoons of cereals to the porridge, which, before six months, must be gluten free and then can be of various flavors recommended according to the age of the baby.

You have to be very patient in this first encounter with the spoon since it is a basic step in your relationship with food. You will surely try to touch the mash, spit it out or rub it over your face. It is even likely that when you give the porridge in the mouth you do not do anything or just eat (that is, really swallow) one or two tablespoons since the only mechanism known to the baby is suction and you need to practice how to take the food from the Spoon and swallow it.

Let it be clear that the baby rules and that it must be a positive and pleasant experience, so if you see that you are not yet ready to take this important step, try again later.

Video: Stage 1 Baby Foods. CloudMom (July 2024).