Millennials can be a mirror in which to see what our children will look like in the future

The millennials Spaniards are young people who were born in the late 80s and early 90s who are accessing the labor market and who have been changing the way we did those born in previous times mainly because they have accessed new technologies since childhood. They are a generation Tuenti that they started using the Internet in a synchronized way with their parents, as Guillermo Cánovas told us, and that they have been changing their behavior, their way of searching, their way of studying, of selecting and generating content, of comparing and also of buying, using internet.

And, as indicated by the AIMC studies, (link to pdf document) they also do it from the mobile device, mainly phone. That's why we all have to adapt and analyze what millennials are going to do and how they are going to go catalyzing changes in businesses and homes in which these young people have grown up. Not to mention the grandparents who have had to mobilize so as not to lose the technology train and follow the activity of their grandchildren.

These digital natives, or whatever you want to call them, they don't understand consumption without the use of technology. They know and use technologies although they don't have to understand them. He Wifi To save data rate, the SMS They are very expensive, I better put a güasap and I have to get a balance to connect to the Internet instead of talking on the phone, are examples of phrases that can be heard in any group of teenagers and more. They have also changed their consumption habits in stores and feel very lazy when the seller does not respond to their needs for what they decide make purchases online.

In a recent conference @LuisPastor, of CiscoHe explained that telephone booths are no longer visible on the street. As the need to communicate has not changed millennials have only modified the way they do it and use the mobile phone and voice is not even the first option in the use of the device. These young people apply the maximum of when i want and where i want.

Millennials will prevail in their Internet browsing experiences a great design, practicality, they will demonstrate requirement and although they are loyal if there is another one that does it better they will change it and spread it among theirs. They are also investigators, curious and like teamwork (see image) that is why in social networks they find the perfect way to do it.

And there is more to see how younger workers go through the corridors of companies with their mobile phones in hand reading, speaking, collaborating, participating and opening doors to new opportunities fleeing the security restrictions of the company in which more than millennials are treated like children.

I'm convinced that our children will amplify this current experience of millennials but I still don't know how. Although it is important to participate with the children so as not to be out of place.

Video: Millennials in the Workforce, A Generation of Weakness - Simon Sinek (July 2024).