Baby names: "No, not that, I know one who is called that and ..."

It is necessary to have children to realize how complicated it can sometimes be to choose a name for them.

One of the causes, if not the cause, for which most of them are ruled out, is because they remind us of someone we don't like.

It is not an event that we should consider rare, since it is evident that in the same way that each word has an image associated in our mind (when one says car, one imagines a car), the names are associated with a person and, according to what person be we just say: "No, not that, I know one who is called that and ..."

Those three points can continue in a thousand ways. It made my life impossible, I don't like it, I can't even see it, it's very like this or very handle, etc. In short, that you can already have a baby name reserved for when you have children, that your partner will already be in charge of having a friend or friend (or rather an acquaintance or acquaintance) that will make your names unusable.

My lady wife has suggested me with each child, and there are two, the name of Martí (Martín in Catalan). It is not that the name upsets me as such, but it is that I am forced to reject it because I went to a school called “Martí Academy”!

That I don't have anything against Mr. Martí, which also wasn't his name, but his last name, but I personally don't want my son to be called the school I went to.

Surely many of you have seen yourself in these same boundaries, rejecting names that have reminded you of that friend who made you this or that thing or that boy who made you feel bad because ... And because of them, how many precious names have been left unable to be used.

I don't know, couldn't we give them a second chance? At the moment a baby is born, the image of his name in our brain must be renewed by eliminating the “hated” subject to give way to our beloved son, right?

I'll think about it for the next ... (maybe I'm lucky and it's a girl).

Video: Baby Names I Love But Won't Use! + BABY NAME REVEAL! Unique (July 2024).