Children, what we should protect the most: main keys to the future law against violence in childhood

Any type of abuse or violence against children is something that makes us stand on end, which cannot be tolerated, and of course, something that should be a priority of governments and agencies.

The Minister of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare, Carmen Montón, announced yesterday that the Government has commissioned a report on the preliminary draft of Organic Law of Integral Protection against violence against Children.

This regulation, which is expected to will arrive at the Congress of Deputies in the second quarter of 2019, will contemplate sexual abuse, harassment in social networks and will include a registry of minor victims.

Organizations like Save The Children have been asking for years an organic law against child violence in our country. According to data from this NGO, only 15% of cases of sexual violence against children are reported; one in two sexual abuses in Spain are against minors; one in ten students claims to be a victim of bullying; and dozens of children lose their lives every year due to causes directly related to violence.

Although there is still time for it to be a reality, we collect the main keys of the law on which you are working and which you intend protect the little ones of any type of violence.

  • A unified registry of child victims that allows to have in a single unit all the information.

“We must quantify the number of minors who suffer abuse, harassment, harassment, sexual or other abuse, as well as know who are those who exercise this violence against them so that society becomes aware, ”he added.

  • This record will be updated in matters related to the special disqualification for the practice of professionals, volunteering and activities that involve dealing with minors, with special reference to the cases of deprivation of parental rights, guardianship, guardianship or adoption.

  • They will work with experts to facilitate “the reporting duty”And the early detection of these situations of violence.

  • The law will include the definition of violence in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child in aspects such as physical and mental abuse and abuse, abandonment, exploitation and sexual abuse, as well as the restoration of the rights of victims.

  • It will develop specific protection measures for the most vulnerable children, such as trafficked children, children with disabilities, unaccompanied foreign minors or children of the LGTB collective.

  • Work will be done on the training of judges, prosecutors and other professionals. Likewise, the minister has assured that "the contributions of the children themselves will be very present".

  • The rights of minors in criminal and civil proceedings will be guaranteed, especially their right to be heard; and prevention from the family, health, sports, leisure and digital fields will also be included.

A necessary step to be applauded by the organizations and who finally hope that the children, whom we should protect the most, have a real and effective protection against violence, harassment, abuse and any other type of violence that violates your rights. Because all children deserve to live a happy childhood.

Video: The impact of divorce on children: Tamara D. Afifi at TEDxUCSB (July 2024).