A story with puppets about healthy habits: "Bad characters?"

If we "relax" on certain health issues such as eating a balanced diet or maintaining proper oral hygiene, we can have consequences and our health will suffer. This is clear to us, but how can we make children understand in a simple way? This I have puppets about healthy childhood habits He shows it to us.

It is a puppet representation based on the story "Characters bad?", oriented to health education. What happens to the bad characters in the stories when they are expelled from the town where they live with all the children and are forced to live in the forest?

The children of the town want to hear stories like the ones before, with wolves, witches, pirates and ogres. But these characters "relax" on basic issues of healthy habits and suffer the consequences. Be thanks to a healthy diet, play and physical exercise when the bad guys return to the town and those stories are heard again in every house.

If we wish we can also see the story in pdf., Aimed at children between six and twelve years. The video is for all audiences although it is difficult for children to keep their attention, so we could recommend it after four years or five years.

By the way, if the character appears in the video with the green shirt of "Public School for all" it is because this is done by the Spanish Confederation of CEAPA Parents and Students Associations.

Anyway, with The story "Healthy Villains" has chosen a close language to teach children concepts, attitudes and values ​​related to health education. In addition, we join our children in the same activity, communicating with our children and educating in a fun way about healthy habits.

Video | Vimeo In Babies and more | Hygiene habits in childhood, SOS Care, educational project for the prevention of childhood accidents, Book "Emotional health in childhood": school is also important

Video: Story on healthy food habits Puppet Show (July 2024).