What do you think about the rental belly? Almost 80 percent of Spaniards are in favor

The surrogacy or surrogacy is a practice that is not legalized in Spain, so about 800 couples a year travel to other countries where they are allowed to fulfill their dream of being parents.

Although it is not possible in our country, according to the first national survey on the subject carried out by Subrogalia, a company dedicated to the legal advice of surrogacy, almost 80 percent of Spaniards are in favor of rent belly.

The results allow us to know better what the population thinks about surrogacy and the level of acceptance it has regarding this technique.

Three thousand people from all over Spain have answered those who were asked a total of 14 questions in relation to the rental belly by heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian and single couples.

Specifically, 79.23% of the Spanish population seems good for a Spanish couple to start a rental belly process in the case of not being able to have children naturally and 82.88% of respondents see well or very well that it is legal in Spain, while 12.61% think otherwise.

Also, 63.52% of Spaniards approve that a homosexual couple can have a child through this technique, while 26.12% would be against it.

It is interesting to know first-hand data about the opinion that most Spaniards have about the rental belly they are told Yes to legalize it as in other countries such as Russia, the United States, Mexico or Ukraine.

The process has a cost of between 50 thousand and 200 thousand euros, inaccessible for most couples, and although there are many interests behind and must be very well regulated it is a practice that allows many people to fulfill the dream of having a child With their own genes. And you, what do you think about the rental belly?

Video: European Travel Skills with Rick Steves (July 2024).