Is changing diapers only a matter of moms?

I found by chance with the blog of the director of Radiocable where a very interesting post is published following a sign that is posted at the entrance of the changing and breastfeeding area of ​​the civil registry of Madrid. Of course, it is no good image for an official body.

As he says in the post, in a country that aims to be an example of gender equality, in the back room we can find discriminations of this kind.

As you can read clearly on the poster, "men" are excluded from changing a baby's diaper, a task that exclusively awards moms as if it were only a women's issue. On top of this, the language used is offensive, since in addition to sounding the "Forbidden Men" part, it speaks of men and not of parents, when it speaks of moms and not of women.

What if the father goes to the registry with only the child, cannot access the changer? Well, according to the letter sent to the radio, no. The "man", who we assume that to go with the baby and change his diaper will be his own father, he has had to change the child in poor conditions in the men's room.

The sign is a sign of the lack of coherence between intentions and practice. On the one hand, the government fills its mouth with beautiful words about equality (with new ministry included) and work-family reconciliation, while in reality there are no effective measures so that both fathers and mothers can reconcile both tasks for the benefit of our children

If it is believed that changing diapers is only a woman's thing on the right track we go ... but we did not want to involve the father in the care of children?

Video: diper change mom's laugh matter (July 2024).