Facebook censures the photo of a woman breastfeeding her son for "offensive and vulgar"

In the midst of so many violent images that we see daily in the news, press, social networks and others, I am surprised that some people continue to be scandalized to see the picture of a woman breastfeeding her son. That is just what has happened in Facebook, social network that has decided that the photo we see at the top, is "offensive and vulgar". Have they really walked around what circulates daily on the walls of the users?

The victim of censorship has been Jade beall, a professional photographer whose snapshots are mostly related to pregnancy and lactation. The photo in question had to be deleted, but the next day it was uploaded again (applying the corresponding filters), with the following message:

"I published this photo yesterday and I had about 3,000 share and 9,000 likes. Then I was reported and had to remove it. I had to blur a nipple, FB forces me to censor my images, my art, of which I am totally proud"

I honestly do not understand ... I do not explain how teaching a nipple can be reason enough for a person to be reported to a social network. I see images every day that deserve to be removed immediately (sexist, violent photos, etc.), and I don't see anything done about it.

I know the policy that the network has regarding the publication of images prohibits teaching the naked body, but ... isn't this less "offensive" than some advertising campaigns that circulate every day on the internet? The debate reopens, although I prefer to end the post with some photographs of this artist (censored, of course), but that can not be more beautiful and inspiring ...

Images | Facebook Jade Beall Photography

Video: Children and the Kingdom of God, Part 1 Luke 18:15-17 (July 2024).