Quick guide to infant feeding in summer

In summer vacation days arrive and there are many changes in our routines. Surely in your family you also notice that the food changes in summer and it is normal that, in the face of high temperatures, we take certain precautions to "take care" without knowing it thanks to what we eat and drink in summer, be healthier, fresher and protect children from certain risks.

This is one quick guide to infant feeding in summer, with advice for the whole family, to adapt the food to this time of year, enjoy delicious prisoner and light dishes and do it in a healthy way.

Ten tips for children and us to spend these hot days without too much effort, preventing heat and without missing anything in the diet. Which foods are more suitable, which ones to avoid or how to cook in summer are some of the points we are talking about below.

  • Hydration is essential for a good state of health, to prevent the dreaded heat stroke ... Drink plenty of water, milk and natural juices. The heat stroke is avoided, along with other measures of care, with a good diet.

  • Babies have to breastfeed more often to avoid dehydration, the breast offers more frequently.

  • Increase fresh dishes with salads, fruits and even legumes. Summer fruits like melon, watermelon, peaches, apricots ... are very rich and fresh. These foods hydrate and are an important source of vitamins and minerals very appetizing. Salads can be pasta, legumes, fruits ...

  • Sorbets, gazpachos, smoothies and natural ice cream, made by ourselves at home, with vegetables, fruit and natural juices, are a delicious option to complement snacks, lunches or breakfasts. The fridge is our ally at this time of year.

  • The iron, the boiled ones, the steam, roasted and even the barbecue, if it is made with healthy ingredients, are ways of cooking perfect for this time, when the stews may be less appealing. Lean meat and fish cooked lightly are a good contribution of protein, minerals ...

  • Make light meals, with vegetable side dishes. Dinner should be lighter than lunch and preferably not taken just before bedtime.

  • Avoid fried foods, excess fats and sugars, as they make digestion difficult.

  • Respect the digestions, a rest time after the main meal, since with the heat the digestion can slow down. If they have made a heavy meal they are more likely to suffer a digestion cut if there is a sudden temperature change when they get into the water of the beach or pool.

  • Try not to skip meals and keep, as far as possible, stable schedules for each meal. It is normal for us to relax on vacation, but respecting meal times means they do not download and eat more or less the same as other days. Breakfast is still essential, especially because it prepares us for a day probably full of activity if we go to the beach, hiking ...

  • In summer you have to wear special watch out for food safety, since bacteria can proliferate, transmit diseases and get in poor condition. Remember to wash them well, cook them in their entirety, do not mix raw and cooked ...

In short, although it is normal that in summer the nutritional habits of children and the whole family are altered and we give ourselves more of a whim, there are certain recommendations that should be followed. Do you get it on these complicated dates? Sometimes it's really hard ...

We hope this quick guide to infant feeding in summer be useful to you, and do not forget to share with us your favorite tricks in the kitchen for this time of year!

Photos | iStock
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Video: Caring For Your Newborn (July 2024).