New York male public restrooms must have changing tables for babies by law

At this point no one disputes that changing diapers is not just a matter of moms, at least I hope so. Parents also need to have adequate facilities to change their babies away from home. It is a claim that parents have long been making through networks and media, because they also change diapers.

The law "Bathrooms Accessible in Every Situation" summarized "Babies Act" has focused on this discrimination to end it, and the State of New York has taken the final step: as of January 1 of this year the new and renovated buildings with public toilets should include baby changing tables accessible to men.

The measure had already been announced by the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, and after his parliamentary procedure came into force this year. It also requires the installation of changing rooms in public toilets for women that until now were only optional.

In Babies and more, they also change diapers: New York asks that baby changing tables be installed in men's public restrooms

The law applies to all businesses and public facilities, including restaurants, shops, cinemas, parks and offices of the state. According to the April announcement, each publicly accessible space must have at least one changing table that both sexes can use.

Now they need to be installed in all public bathrooms of men and women where there are none, as well as that the rest of the cities follow suit. And of course, that they remain in optimal hygiene conditions, since sometimes they leave much to be desired.

A claim driven by parents

This is a clear example that when parents mobilize they can achieve great results. Donte Palmer is a father whose photograph changing his baby squatting in a public toilet went viral is one of the drivers of change. In it, the single father of three children, publicly denounced the absence of changers in male public toilets.

This is a serious post Whats the deal with not having changing tables in mens bathroom as if we dont exist #FLM #fatherslivesmatter clearly we do this often because look how comfortable my son is. Its routine to him Lets fix this problem I Kaepernick drop a knee to this issue @theshaderoom lets show the innovation of fathers #squatforchange

It is a more than valid claim that should be taken well, and not only because of the co-responsibility of mothers and fathers in the care of the baby, but also because there are new family models, families with two parents, for example, single parents, or simply parents who go out alone with their baby, who have the same right as anyone to change their baby in conditions. Continue to install changing tables only in women's restrooms reinforces archaic gender stereotypes that do not correspond to the current social reality.

In Babies and more "Didn't parents exist?", The complaint of a man asking for baby changing rooms in male bathrooms

Video: Calls for diaper changing tables in men's restrooms in New York (July 2024).