Some brands never take off: shocking campaign against child abuse

The Innocence in danger organization has launched a shocking campaign against all forms of child abuse. Under the motto, 'Some touches never leave' It aims to raise awareness about the physical and psychological damage caused by violence in children, from a slap to sexual abuse.

As long as it is overcome, as some adults say they have been victims of child abuse, the traces left by abuse are marked by fire in children. Although, unfortunately, society still does not see the fact of hitting a child so serious, there are powerful reasons to never do so.

We must realize that a slap or a slap in time is also a form of violence and against violence there is no justification. There is another way to educate, without hitting. Prioritizing violence in situations that we are unable to solve as parents is not the way to resolve a problem or prevent bad behavior. There is another way to educate, based on communication, on positive reinforcement, effective methods and certainly much more educational.

But the campaign not only wants to draw attention to the physical violence that some children suffer, but also to sexual violence. A month ago, we revealed figures from the European Council that indicated that one in five children in Europe is a victim of sexual violence, in some form, with or without physical contact. Thousands of children are victims of sexual abuse, an invisible scourge, which most often occur within their family environment.

A fantastic and brutal campaign to raise awareness about the indelible traces left of child abuse.

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