The 15 biggest concerns of the parents during the baby's first year (but there could be many more ...)

And we have left it in 15 but the biggest concerns of parents during their baby's first year could have been almost an infinite number, especially if we are talking about the first baby.

Let's take it easy and a dose of sense of humor to start, which is the only way that the first year of the baby does not pass over us as a steamroller.

Some of the worries are sure to have more than enough basis and others, well ... others generate a lot of anguish, but neither should they.

The first year of our first child we are on a continuous roller coaster and sometimes with the feeling that we are going without a seat belt or anything.

It is true that in most cases it is only a personal appreciation of our goodness! and situations and problems are not such great dramas of "The world is going to stop right now" (the famous "findelmundismo" of which we spoke recently) but not for that reason we must lower our guard.

It is also true that the first year of our second child, under normal conditions, is much more relaxed than that of the first, who say that “Experience is a grade”.

We have prepared a compilation of some and only some of the great concerns of mothers and fathers during the first year of their baby's life, of their first baby, to see if they match yours or not.

The dream

Your dream takes our sleep away, that's how it is. We are worried that he does not sleep and also leaves us with the body and the humor for the drag but we are also worried that he sleeps too much or that he sleeps in disgrace.

There are few parents who sometimes ask if they should wake the baby when they have the tremendous luck that he has been sleeping for four or five or six hours.

If he sleeps a lot because he does not eat and if he sleeps little because something will happen to him that we do not know how to discover but that worries us and what if we worry! Well, in both cases: tranquility and patience, we have no other.


It is directly related to the dream and yes, this should concern us more. The fact that he sleeps and that he does it in the same position continuously your skull may deform to a different degree and plagiocephaly may occur that we have to correct with a specific helmet with which you will sleep for a while. It is not serious but we better avoid changing it sideways so that it sleeps indistinctly of both and does not produce any deformation.

Sudden death

These are obviously big words, but we can do little more than be alert, pending and concerned in their rightful measure. It is not yet clear why it occurs, hence its "sudden" definition which does not, does not reassure us at all.

Infant colic

Wow! Those episodes normally nocturnal or late in the afternoon in which the baby does not stop crying for a time that is very long because we can not offer any comfort beyond our arms. Maturation of the digestive system according to many experts, the fact is that they are very small and we fail to understand why each day they have the same episode of uncontrollable crying.

Crying itself

Right, we talked about colic but When they are so young, their crying puts us on alert. It is a natural matter of survival of the species so little can we do beyond looking for a solution or a relief. Sometimes it is simple, cry for sleep or cry for hunger, other times it is more complicated to find the reason and therefore the solution to your problem and that worries us a lot.


If you eat little or eat enough or stay hungry or eat what you should eat or are sleepy because you are hungry or cry because you want to eat.

Breastfeeding food, rather, during the first year of our son's life is a sea of ​​doubt, until more or less we see that everything is going well and that it works normally. No matter what we choose breastfeeding or formula, the doubt will always be there, at least during this first year (or at least the first months).

The solids

Yes, when it seems that the issue of milk is half controlled and the obstacle or not (depending on the case) of cereals has become a custom that no longer worries us, it is time to introduce solid foods in the diet of our son. Little, soft but ... back the anguish and worry!

Although we opt for those meshes to introduce the food and avoid the possibility that it is attractive, the worry does not get inside the mesh, no.


Or even regurgitations because how do we know if it is not too much what our child regurgitates, and if it has gone to the degree of vomiting and we have not noticed?

Well, that is how we are, trying to control the uncontrollable and making trips to the pediatrician when we move from worry to occupation, sometimes we are honest, it is the most sensible thing.


Wow! For a few months these will be the culprits of almost all their ills. That he sleeps badly, that he cries more, that he eats less, that the skin of the culete is irritated, that everything in his mouth gets poked, ... yes, the first teeth arrive to give us another reason for concern just in case we didn't have enough.


Another of those issues that yes, it is logical that we worry because sometimes fever gives us the odd substitute. That the normal thing is that from time to time they become very clear and the normal thing is that sometimes, they present with a fever but that does not take away so that we are pending because there are babies and babies and some go from a few tenths to have a worrying temperature in a matter of seconds. No, with this we are not calm especially.

Constipation or diarrhea

We will never have talked so much about feces and bowel movements as when we just had our first child, this is at least statistical data.

And here the bull catches us because sooner or later, you will have an episode of diarrhea or constipation. Yes, it is normal as long as it is within the normal range or that it does not last long and that, as usual, it will be the pediatrician who tells us that it is the one that shows that our concern was unfounded or not.


The irritations of babies' culete can sometimes be resolved quickly and others become a nightmare reason for their parents.

From irritations, to small wounds that sometimes because of the heat, due to the stage of development in which they are or for other reasons, make it easy for us to find it again very difficult in this of the rearing during the first year of our baby.

All in the mouth

In the first year he discovers that his hands are great to explore what we leave within his reach, many times without realizing it and many times not, aware that he can manipulate it and play with it. From hand to mouth there is nothing, tenths of a second, a millimeter space that our son travels at the speed of light and of course one more reason to have us worried!

Does it move

Yes, little by little he moves, moves and the engine is not so much his legs as his curiosity and from that moment it turns out that we see our own house with other eyes. It has become a dangerous training ground in which the doors, the shells, the wheels of some chairs, the wall sockets, the lamp cables ... everything is against us and that of our tranquility!

Atopic skin

Yes, there are more and more babies with this problem in their hams or in the inner area of ​​the elbows. Sometimes it happens soon, sometimes it takes a little longer, sometimes you get right away with the product that helps you and others ... the thing is something more worrisome.

The truth is that the eczema on the delicate skin of babies during their first year of life is logical to worry and take care of them as soon as possible.

As I said, there are only 15 but they could have been many more, some with more foundation than others that is undeniable but in the end, each one of us is in a way in this of the upbringing and each one takes away our sleep to a greater or lesser degree , everything that refers to the health and well-being of our children during their first year of life and during the second and third years and ...

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