Rural tourism with children: adventure is guaranteed

Holidays are synonymous with rest and disconnection. Therefore, sometimes it is recommended choose a destination that allows us to spend a few days away from the hustle and bustle and the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. He rural tourism It is a good alternative to enjoy a different vacation, combining the rest that suits us with outdoor activities. Therefore, in Momentos Chicco, we want to propose an ideal holiday in a rural setting with children, with advice on what to do and how to prepare the trip.

Options for all tastes

Whether for a short break or for a long vacation, rural tourism is a great opportunity to spend a family holiday in a different environment and take advantage to organize new and original activities. Being a type of booming tourism, it is very easy to find endless proposals for all tastes and within reach of all pockets, so you can prepare a custom trip.

Although in the mountains you will find rural hotels, the most frequent is that houses, rural apartments and campsites predominate, many of which are perfectly equipped for family tourism. In addition, in this type of accommodation you will have more privacy and many amenities that are very practical when traveling with children, such as kitchen and appliances for individual use.

Now if you want to live a more original vacation, you can opt for the latest fashion in agrotourism and disconnect in an authentic rural farm or stay in a tree house. What child can resist that?

Anyway, and this is useful for almost any type of getaway, the most advisable when traveling with children is organize your vacation well, leaving all the details well tied. Thus, once you are clear about the destination you want to visit, you can plan your stay making a relationship of everything essential to see in the area and those activities that you can do during those days. In most rural accommodations you will find a program with visits, excursions and activities to do but you can also browse the official tourism pages of the regions where you will be and plan the trip your way.

Within the most usual activities, you will find the mountain walks and walks, with routes for all audiences according to their level of difficulty, some of which are also equipped for cycling. He trekking It will allow you to do physical exercise outdoors, enjoying nature and the landscape, something highly recommended for the kids in the house.

Even if you are on the mountain, you can enjoy a refreshing bath in some lake, pond or river of the many that are throughout the Spanish geography and complement the dip with a quiet family picnic. If you choose to eat outdoors, be very careful with the areas of high fire risk and always collect the waste when you leave, leaving the site in perfect condition.

Another highly recommended proposal, especially if you travel with children, is visit a farm or do some activity with animals, such as a pony or horse ride; see some bird show or just contemplate how cows, goats and sheep live in rural settings. In the same way, we advise you to take advantage so that the children discover trades that may be unknown to you, like that of a farmer or pastor, but which are also important for those of us who live far from the countryside.

The essentials for the trip

For our rural holidays to be a success we must not forget certain basic equipment. When we pack you should opt for comfortable clothes and shoes, more so if you are going to make excursions in the mountains. Although it is summer, it is convenient to take some outerwear, both for adults and for children, since in the mountains the nights are cooler and a temperature drop can catch you off guard. In addition, you must take the changes that are necessary to spend the planned vacation days, day-to-day hygiene products (soap, creams, wipes, diapers ...) and all those objects that you usually use (the stroller, the cradle traveling, the high chair ...).

Whenever you do outdoor activities, use one sunscreen suitable photoprotective to your skin type, as well as sunglasses and a cap To protect your head. In the same way, you should bring water and some food in case you are longer than expected.

If, in addition to hiking, you intend to visit some interior town, you must take into account the ability to endure long walks of your children. If they are small, value the possibility of taking some baby carrier to use it in those areas where traveling with a stroller or car seat is almost impossible mission or if children get tired.

Travel by car, safely

If you travel by car to your destination, always think about making the journey with security as the main objective. Before embarking on the trip, we will check that the vehicle is in perfect condition and carries enough gasoline for the outward journey. If you have many kilometers ahead, often to stretch your legs and rest, throwing a little head if you think it is convenient.

In the same way that adults must travel with their seatbelts on and respecting traffic regulations, children must also use the Child Restraint Systems (SRI) which establishes the regulations. To do this, make sure that the car seat is suitable for your age and weight and that it is correctly installed before starting the march.

For children from 0 to 6 years oldChicco has the Seat Up 012 car seat, approved from birth to 25 kg (Group 0 +/1 / 2) according to ECE R44 / 04.

Remember that a rural vacation can be a great plan to spend with family, next to the little ones at home. Of course, it is important to take into account some considerations prior to the trip to be able to enjoy completely with total safety and comfort. Have you already made a rural getaway with your children?

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Photos | iStock: parinyabinsuk / omgimages / boggy22

Video: A Journey through Rural Lesotho. Travel Documentary (July 2024).