Healthy eating habits for kids: what to do and what to avoid

Children's health is one of the parents' greatest concerns. That implies, of course, everything related to their feeding And it is normal that we often ask ourselves if they eat enough, which products are healthier for them or how to make them eat everything.

This concern, to which the daily rush is added, can lead us to implement routines that are not recommended. We offer you some tips to remedy this situation and get a healthier diet for the whole family.

Avoiding superfluous foods

Healthy eating starts with offer small healthy foods. That entails avoid superfluous and processed foods, since its consumption is related to cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes. Products of this type are pastries, salty snacks, sweets, sugary and soft drinks, meat preparations, goodies, cookies, precooked and frozen foods, industrial sauces ...

In addition to processed products, you have to prevent children from eating sugary foods or with high amounts of salt, so the shopping basket must consist mainly of vegetables and fruits, cereals (if possible whole grains), legumes, nuts, meat and fish, eggs ... That is, at the time to make the purchase you have to prioritize the "food" and set aside the "products".

The unhealthy processed are an easy and fast resource when we go to the supermarket and also when cooking, since they require little dedication. A good way to modify these bad habits is to try to buy in proximity stores and markets, organize weekly menus for the whole family based on healthy foods and cook healthy recipes with those who enjoy large and small, something that can also be done with little time.

Routines not recommended

As far as food is concerned, there are some routines very implanted in our society that do not contribute to healthy eating. In the case of children, in addition to offering healthy products, you should let them be the ones regulate the amount of food they eat. Some children, the same happens in the case of adults, have more appetite and eat more and others have less. You must respect your child's hunger and not force him to eat, as it can be counterproductive and you can cause the opposite effect: that the little mania mania some foods and eat even less.

In the same vein, and especially in the case of little eaters, the use of television or toys during meals is not advisable. If the little ones focus all their attention on the screen, they will hardly be aware of the dish in front of them. That makes food go to the background, a situation that is not convenient, since it is really advisable to be aware of the food they eat, as well as the quantity and enjoy the moment.

During meals, we must always be with the children, even the oldest. Although they are already autonomous and able to eat for themselves, it is important not to leave them alone without supervision. In addition to being dangerous, in case they suffer from choking, we should show them that we are by their side, accompanying them, talking to them and, if possible, eating with them.

Good habits

Eat with family It is one of the best gifts you can give your children. If work and personal circumstances allow it, try to sit at the table all together to enjoy food and dinner as a family. If you eat at work, you can put this into practice at dinner time and on weekends. If your children also collaborate in the preparation of the dishes, better than better. How small is resistant to kneading some delicious croquettes?

Take advantage of these times to talk, explain how your day went or ask your children what they have done in class. According to experts, eating as a family reduces the risk of some eating disorders at later ages.

It is also a good way for little ones feel interest in all kinds of food - Remember, be healthy - and be encouraged to try them. Thus, from a young age they will get used to eating healthy foods and keeping good eating habits.

When you sit together at the table, forget about the rush and seek maximum comfort for everyone. Ideally, on the table are all the utensils and utensils that you will need, to avoid getting up. In the case of children, place them at a comfortable height for them, from which they can reach food and feel autonomous. A highchair that allows height adjustment, as well as bringing it close enough to the table, is very practical.

The Polly Progres5 is Chicco's evolutionary highchair that easily adapts to baby's growth, and can be used from birth, as a hammock, until 36 months, then as a conventional high chair and then as a booster seat. You can see more details in this video.

Properly educate children to lead a healthy diet begins with set an example, buying and eating healthy foods. Besides, the modification of some routines which involve eating alone or watching TV, will help the implementation of good habits. Eating as a family, besides being something very beautiful, is a highly recommended practice.

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Photos | iStock: Anette Romanenko / Duka82 / nd3000

Video: Kids! Small Steps to a Healthy You (July 2024).