What kind of parents are we?

Are we parents too permissive or too strict? Or neither one nor the other? Like everything else, fair balance is also ideal in the education of children.

According to general features, parents could be classified into four types: permissive parents, authoritarian parents, indifferent parents and democratic parents.

Dr. Eduardo Hernández explains through the web tupediatra.com how each one is and how their children tend to be, based on the fact that the relationship between parents and children is based on two main pillars: affection and control .

The authoritarian parents they have low values ​​in terms of affection but high in terms of control. They ask a lot from their children, exercising strong control over their behavior and reinforcing their demands with fears and punishments. Your children show mood swings, aggression and behavior problems.

The permissive parents they are those that have high values ​​in terms of affection but low in control. They are affectionate and emotionally sensitive but place few limits on behavior. Their children are often impulsive, immature and uncontrolled. The democratic parents They have high values ​​in terms of affection and control. They take care of their children and are sensitive towards them but set clear limits and maintain a predictable environment. This style of action of the parents is the one that has the most positive effects on the child's social development. The children of these parents are the most curious, the ones who trust themselves the most and those who work best in school.

Finally, parents who have low values ​​in both dimensions are called indifferent parents, these parents place few limits on their children but also provide little attention or emotional support. Their children are usually demanding and disobedient, they have a hard time participating in games and social interactions, since they don't follow rules.

If we want the best for our children, we already know what path we should take and remember that the extremes are not good.

Video: Types of Parents (July 2024).