A disease known as "adolescentitis": the proof written by a mother and thousands of people have read

They were late for class and the daughter asked her mother to write a receipt to give to her teacher. A receipt explaining why this delay in arriving at school. A proof that thousands of people around the world have already read, after this mother hung it on her Facebook wall.

Her mother accepted sympathetically and also decided to be completely honest with the teacher about the reasons why her daughter was late for class that day, after all it is also about educating by example.

“Cara is late this morning as a result of a disease known as "adolescentitis." It affects millions of teenagers in the country and there is no known cure. ”

Nicole, Cara's mother, continued with her peculiar justification in those same terms so that everything was very clear to her daughter's teacher. This is the letter.

"The symptoms are multiple, but this morning in particular Cara was unable to get out of bed and also felt the need to answer her mother."

Nicole, finished the note with a: "Please call me if there is another outbreak" addressed to her daughter's teacher.

Very contagious

It seems that this pathology, "adolescentitis", affects as Nicole said to thousands of boys and girls in her country and millions around the world.

The fact that the angry mother hung her voucher for the school on her Facebook wall and that she has been so successful, so many visits and shared so much, confirms that There are many fathers and mothers who have seen these symptoms in their own children.

Several tens of thousands of times the voucher has been shared on Facebook in the few four weeks it has been hanging.

They contacted Cara from "Today" magazine and there he told them in detail how the morning had been tremendous, so that the need to write that voucher arose.

Her daughter got up late, made her brothers could not arrive on time either to their classes and when they were finally in the car and Nicole tried to make Cara reflect on her behavior and attitude, she put on the headphones to not listen to his mother.

That was the moment when according to his mother "adolescentitis" began to remit momentarily, when Nicole threw her daughter's cell phone out of the car window to which he had connected those headphones to not listen to her.

Roller coaster

Entering adolescence is riding a roller coaster of emotions, sensations, thoughts. The hormones in a teenager's body are boiling and the reactions are characteristic of a kind of emotional roller coaster.

And if for boys and girls it's a roller coaster, for their parents, it's the same roller coaster. It is learned on the fly because circumstances sometimes also overwhelm us as fathers and mothers, as happened to the mother who called the police to scare her son with a false arrest for the bad behavior he was having.

Sometimes the most important thing is simply to be. Be by your side, accompanying and educating the best we can and we can think of. It is not about being his friends, we are his parents and that role is what corresponds to us with everything that entails that is a lot but both bad and good. They are in that age in which you see them grow and you like them but you would also like to stop the time to see them grow.

Nicole also wanted to make it clear in her peculiar proof:

“Having a teenage son is difficult and satisfying in equal parts. Seeing Cara grow and change has made me very happy, but that growth has been accompanied by typical growth pains. ”

And we all know that those "growing pains" They are not always physical and do not exclusively affect the adolescent himself.

Video: A Chronic Disease Called "Ed" Music video (July 2024).