Key moments when the baby needs to feel safe

Unlike other mammals, humans are born with a brain and a immature neurological system, which gradually develops during childhood. For that reason, babies, in addition to basic needs, have some emotional and social demands They are key to their future development.

While these needs are very evident during their first months of life, there are some key moments when it is especially convenient for the baby feel safe and protected So that it evolves in a healthy way.

Nine months inside, nine months outside

After nine months in the womb, babies come to a completely unknown world for them. If we add to this that this gestation period is not enough to complete the maturation process, we find that, after birth, babies are still very helpless and they need to continue developing and maturing at all levels.

After birth, babies continue to mature outside the uterus

Thus, after birth and for at least nine more months the babies continue a maturation process outside the uterus maternal, what is known as extrogestation. In this phase, the baby is especially vulnerable and needs, in addition to having their basic feeding needs covered, feel mom's protection and warmth.

Protection and comfort

That the baby feels protected and safe It is key so that it adapts little by little to the environment and all its systems are developed. Take him in his arms, calm him, cradle and pamper him It is very important in your first weeks of life so that you feel emotionally safe. It is also essential to establish eye contact with him whenever we can, looking for him to look at us while we feed him or during the moments of play and pampering.

One of the key moments in which this need of the little ones to be protected is manifested is overnight. Many babies reduce your awakenings nocturnal and they cry less when they sleep with their parents because with their proximity and warmth they feel safe.

This practice, known as colecho, facilitates breastfeeding given the proximity of the mother and the baby and also prevents sudden death in newborns.

At bedtime the baby's need to feel protected and safe is manifested

Another way to improve the emotional bond with your little one is to port it. Carrying your baby in an ergonomic baby carrier You are contributing to their emotional well-being and to feeling protected and close to their parents.

Security at each stage

But not only babies need that security. Protection and attachment with children do not end after the first nine months of life. Throughout his childhood, and at different stages, it is essential continue to meet your emotional needs, which are the ones that will help you develop strong emotional ties with the environment, build your personality and have high self-esteem in future stages.

In short, it's about being by your side in the broadest sense of the word, both physically and morally, offering all the support That is necessary and covering your demands.

Helping you at each stage, also with tools to facilitate your progress, is key to your development.

This will be especially relevant in the moments of changes, which will be marked both by the evolution and growth of the child as well as by external factors.

It is especially sensitive moments that coincide with the incorporation of mom to work after maternity leave and the beginning of complementary feeding (around 6 months of age), the beginning of the crawling stages or the first steps, the first school stage... Any change, however small and insignificant it may seem, can lead to alterations in the behavior of children and an increase in their most primitive affective needs.

Strengthen security by playing

In addition to attachment, as the baby grows he needs other stimuli to continue working the emotional, physical and psychomotor part. The games, in addition to being synonymous with fun, provide them trust and security because through them they learn new things, acquire other skills and become more autonomous.

Some games and toys serve as support at key moments. Thus, in their first weeks of life the sound and textured toys, to arouse his curiosity, his sight and his touch. Later, around six months, it is advisable to encourage games motor skills and coordination, like the encajables and stackable.

When the baby begins to move we must encourage and help him in this process, providing him with the appropriate tools so that his first steps be safe. In addition to footwear specially designed for your feet, we can provide you with a walker for the first steps.

He Happy Shopping from Chicco It is a very versatile walker-shaped walker, so you can take your first steps safely and develop other skills. This 4-in-1 walker, chosen Best Toy 2016 in Early Childhood category, includes a bilingual activity center, nestable and a shopping cart.

Love, protection and security They are real needs of babies and it is important that we do not ignore this demand. By providing our love and support, as well as the right tools at all stages of your childhood, we will be able to establish some solid affective bonds and the little ones will have an adequate development.

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Photos | iStock: RobHainer / julief514 / SvetlanaFedoseeva / m-imagephotography

Video: The Importance of Touch - How to Help Your Baby Feel Relaxed and Secure (July 2024).