The story behind this touching photo of a father hugging his rainbow baby for the first time

The arrival of a child in the world is always a source of emotion, but more so when a couple has been fighting with infertility for years and finally their long-awaited desire to become parents is fulfilled.

Hunter Madden and his wife, had long tried to have a baby (treatments, inductions, etc.) and when they finally got it they suffered a miscarriage. But fortunately, after the storm the rainbow always comes out, and they have just welcomed their daughter Evelyn Elizabeth. There was the famous birth photographer Leilani Rogers to capture the emotional moment in which the father hugs his rainbow baby for the first time.

The triumph of fatherhood

The expression on his face says it all. It's so nice to see a man cry, hug his daughter! Hold your newborn baby in your arms against your bare chest, over a tattoo done in honor of the loss of your previous baby That was not born.

An image that is everything a symbol of hope For couples who are fighting infertility.

"I have to be prepared to capture the emotion practically before it happens. In this case, this sweet couple had had problems with infertility and a loss, so they knew they were going to be overcome by joy and relief at the time. that they had their daughter in their arms, "Leilani explained.

During labor, which lasted no less than 40 hours, the couple was very close and supported at all times, preparing for the biggest prize that could give them life: their rainbow baby.

Photos | Leilani rogers
Via | Parents
In Babies and more | The 14 photos that show how amazing a birth is for mother, father and baby

Video: The hug that helped change medicine (July 2024).