15 frequently asked questions about autism

Today April 2 is celebrated World Autism Awareness Day, a commemoration that the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) established in 2007. We have often talked about autism spectrum disorders (SAD) and today on this special date we want to approach them again, because a better understanding of themselves, of their characteristics, of their needs, can mean a greater integration of the people who suffer from it.

The Autism Disorders Study Group of the Carlos III Health Institute developed a "Resource guide for families with young children with autism spectrum disorders", in which it is intended to give an overview and guide families towards the bodies responsible for each section (health, educational, social services ...) and from which they can obtain much more detailed information.

In addition, they introduce the reader to the concept of autism spectrum disorders (SAD) and list these 15 frequently asked questions of parents, family members or teachers of children with autism and that we believe are important to approach everyone to the disorder, to understand it better and to make them more attended and integrated.

1. Is it the same to talk about autism, general developmental disorders or autism spectrum disorders?

Many times the term 'autism' is used to refer to different subtypes of related disorders. However, some people use it to refer exclusively to classical autism, called 'Kanner autism'. International classifications use the term Generalized Developmental Disorders (TGD) which include autistic disorder, Asperger's disorder or syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, generalized developmental disorder not specified, and the disorder or syndrome Rett At present, the term Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has been used to encompass the various subtypes integrated into the TGD, except for Rett syndrome. In this document of the Study Group of Autistic Disorders of the Carlos III Health Institute the term autism is used to include all TGD or ASD.

2. How is autism diagnosed?

Autism is a childhood development disorder, which It manifests in the first three years of life, and is characterized by specific alterations in the normal development of competencies to relate, communicate or behave like others. At present, there are no specific medical tests for its diagnosis, and this is based on the observation and assessment of the child's behavior, being necessary to comply with the internationally agreed diagnostic criteria. There are structured tests that have proven reliable to help in this process.

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3. What are the most frequent symptoms of autism in young children?

Not all children have all the symptoms described as classic. Around two years of life, the most frequent and significant symptoms of autism they are absence of a normal look in the eyes; not share interest or pleasure with others; lack of response when called by name; Don't "carry and show" things to others, and don't point your index finger to show.

4. What are the characteristic symptoms of autism?

  • Qualitative alterations of socialization and social interaction. This is the main symptom. They are people who do not understand social norms well and have difficulty sharing the emotional world. They don't appreciate each other's intentions well and they find it very complex to establish friendships.

  • Qualitative alterations of communication and language. A significant percentage of people with autism do not develop speech. Those who do present a peculiar speech, failing especially in the social use of language. Likewise, the use of gestures, postures or facial expressions that accompany communication is very poor.

  • Alterations of symbolization and imagination. People with autism have restrictive, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activity in general. They do not share their interests with each other reciprocally; they can present routines or rituals, have repetitive movements and absence of imaginative play.

5. Do people with limited autism have their intellectual capacity?

A significant percentage of people with autism also have intellectual disability (mental retardation). The degree of disability influences the prognosis. There may be, in some, isolated areas of marked competition.

6. What are the differences between Asperger's disorder, autistic disorder and the so-called "high level of functioning" person with autism?

Unlike Autistic Disorder, in Asperger's disorder, according to current criteria, there is no delay in speech acquisition and its intellectual quotient is in normal ranges. However, there are experts who suggest revising the criterion of normal language development, which seems not to be met in all cases of Asperger's disorder. On the other hand, the term 'high level of functioning' is not contemplated in international classifications, so its use is not advised.

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7. Is autism associated with other disorders?

Autism can be associated with any other disease or developmental disorder. In fact, there are diseases that occur more frequently in people with autism (epilepsy, fragility X, tuberous sclerosis ...), in addition to other psychic disorders (anxiety, depression, obsessions, sleep disturbances ...), which require diagnosis and specific treatment

8. How often does autism occur?

At present, it is documented that autism is more frequent than previously thought. Recent studies indicate that at least one in 250 school-age children has a spectrum disorder, affecting three to four times more men than women.

9. What are the causes of autism?

Autism is a consequence of functional or structural alterations of the brain of the person suffering from it, and is considered the most "genetic" of childhood neuropsychiatric disorders. There is a presence of autism, or features close to the disorders, higher than expected by chance in the families of affected people. Current research suggests that autism is found involved more than 15 genes. Numerous approaches to environmental factors suggested as causative agents of autism have not yet had documented scientific confirmation and some of them, such as the harmfulness of vaccines, have already been rejected by the research.

10. Are there tests to detect and diagnose autism?

The Study Group has developed two Guides that answer this question in detail and can be downloaded in pdf format. in the links that follow. This is the "Guide to good practice for the early detection of autism spectrum disorders" and the "Guide to good practice for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders".

11. What are the disorders with which a differential diagnosis should be made?

It is important to assess whether autism is associated or not with an intellectual disability. The differential diagnosis must also be made with serious language development disorders (dysphasias), in which the symptoms may initially coincide, so the firm diagnosis in these cases should be delayed until the response to treatment is known. It has also indicated the need to assess the existence or not of other psychiatric conditions (early childhood schizophrenia, schizoid personality disorder ...).

12. How is autism treated?

At present, there is an international consensus that education and social support are the main means of treatment, and that these are more effective and favor a better prognosis the earlier its establishment. Most children with autism respond favorably to personalized and highly structured educational programs, which must be maintained when they reach adulthood. Parental involvement has been identified as a fundamental factor for success. The family and the professionals specialized in the treatments must coordinate in order to determine the objectives and support systems. The Study Group has developed a Guide on treatment that is accessible from this link.

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13. Are there medications for autism?

There is currently no specific pharmacological treatment of autism. However, there are medications that can be useful to improve certain symptoms or concurrent disorders and thus facilitate participation in psychosocial treatments and improve their quality of life. It is especially important, given the characteristics of these people, to administer medications carefully, rigorously controlling their positive and negative effects.

14. What guarantees do alternative therapies offer?

Too often, controversial therapies are proposed to treat, and even cure, autism, without its therapeutic efficacy being demonstrated with controlled scientific studies. Among them, different diets, intravenous secretin, vitamins and nutrients, auditory integration training, use of animals, forced hug therapy, immunotherapy ... Parents cannot be deceived and it should be noted that some of these proposed therapies are not only ineffective, It can be harmful.

15. What prognosis does autism have? Can you help these people?

Although, at present, autism has no cure, it does We can improve your quality of life thanks to early diagnosis and treatment, to an environment with suitable community resources and a social support network. There are individual factors that improve the prognosis such as: a normal level of intelligence, functional language before the age of six, absence of documented brain disorders and other disorders.

Photos | Charlene Croft and QUOI Media Group on Flickr-CC
Via | ITE Education
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Video: Autism - A Diagnosis in Adulthood (July 2024).