In summer maintain hygiene to prevent intestinal infections

Beware of intestinal infections because we are in summer, and that increases the causes that are associated with these diseases. On the one hand changes and carelessness in the food that lead us to not prepare it properly, or not to wash the products that are eaten fresh.

On the other hand we may neglect the washing of children's hands after playing (for example in the forest next to the campsite) and our own after preparing the food; This together with the probability of water consumption of doubtful origin (that bucolic source in the middle of the path, alas! But is it that we believe that some urbanites like us can venture without first asking the people of the place?).

All this causes Bacteria, parasites, fungi and viruses reach the mouths of children with some ease, and ours, of course, ... the rest you know.

About a year ago we talked about the types of diarrhea, and I don't want to repeat myself, but I think it is an obligation to remember the basic safety measures:

  • We can only consume safe water, or packaged, and if not, it is worth it to boil it, because I would not spend it even to wash vegetables.

  • Fruits and vegetables are well washed, before peeling or chopping them, no matter if we cook them later or not.

  • The kitchen utensils we use for meat, dairy or vegetables / fruits should be different.

  • He kitchen bench should be clean after preparing food in it. And the same with the table where we eat, if we do not pass the cloth, and place the snack three hours later, may have passed by tiny guests to feast.

  • Food should be stored after purchase, leaving those that go there in the fridge / freezer.

  • When we go on excursions, let's try a fridge bag, to preserve better snacks of sausages or cheese, delicate fruits, salads and tortillas. In summer, there should always be room for accumulators in the freezer.

  • If you are going to eat in a bar or restaurant, first observe the general hygiene of the place, and the appearance of the food that is on the counter, so we will get an idea. Anyway, it is worth avoiding sauces, raw eggs and half-cooked foods; One thing is a salad, another a dish that is eaten cooked, but only halfway.

  • Have children wash their hands before and after eating, and before going to the bathroom.

Wow it seems we have a gastrointestinal infection

They usually have abdominal pain, as if they were colic, the child may also vomit, and even have an acute diarrheal condition, which could be accompanied by fever. It would be normal for him not to have an appetite, but in any case we must ensure that he is well hydrated, offering even pharmacy remineralizing preparations. If you want to rest, get a cool and comfortable place, even at the cost of one of the adults having to miss a couple of evenings of walks and swimming pools.

If you have any doubts, you will consult with the nearest medical office or clinic. When it comes to infants, or very young children who breastfeed, It is not necessary to stop breastfeeding, which will also help in healing. As we always say, prevention is very important, let's invest in it, and spend less time healing.

Video: What causes body odor? - Mel Rosenberg (July 2024).