Meet the Mexican mom who makes funny parodies of popular songs

Motherhood is an experience that gives us a lot of material to tell anecdotes and experiences. There are situations that are typical and that many mothers share and live in a similar way.

For some years, in countries like the United States there are some mothers who make parodies of popular songs, adapting them to their mothers' life with the intention of laughing together of the sometimes unusual situations that occur to us.

Now, a mother is the first to do so in Mexico and thousands of mothers feel identified by the songs she writes about maternal life.

Jessica Arrambide is the mother of a 3-year-old boy named Tristan. He lives in Torreón, Coahuila where he has a decorative vinyl business. For a couple of months, he began to make parodies of popular songs in Spanish, where he shows the various things that a mother lives on a day-to-day basis.

On her YouTube channel, "Mamá ImPerfecta", Jessica shares parodies, recipes and tutorials related to her mother's life. Recently it began to gain more popularity, because their parodies reflect situations with which we sometimes have to deal with mothers, for example, when our children do not want to eat:

In interview for Babies and more, we talked with Jessica, who tells us how was your experience with motherhood:

Many mixed feelings, for me the first three months were the most difficult, I really suffered them and I did not love them. It took me a long time to realize and resign myself that my life was going to change in EVERYTHING. As time went by I was assimilating and accepting my new life, I welcomed that new Jessica that I didn't know and things began to get easier. Now that Tristan is three years old I am enjoying it too much, it is my favorite stage so far and I am the happiest. Of course there are days when I want to run, but I think it happens to all of us at some time.

Undoubtedly most of the mothers have felt lost in those first months next to our babies. I think It is a process that we have to live as part of the transformation we experience now that we are mothers.

Some mothers have decided to share our experiences and turn to blogs or YouTube to tell some of the things we live next to our children, and that is precisely the reason why Jessica began to make these parodies.

For a year I wrote the first parody, that of the song "Picky", but it didn't cheer me up for fear. Fear of being ridiculous, fear that the videos would not remain as I had in mind, fear of being criticized. But one day I said: "Oh, now! The worst thing that can happen is that nobody sees my videos and nothing happens." I did not want the project to be left alone in an idea on the air like many others I have had, and I am very happy to have cheered up because it is something I do with Tristan and we had so much fun! I took the idea from some YouTubers moms in the United States, I remember that I saw one of their parodies about 3 years ago although at the time it did not occur to me to do something similar. I was pregnant at that time and until last year when Tristan became very "picky" for food I sang the chorus of the original song myself and the video I had seen of the moms of the United States came to mind and I said to myself: "What if I do it but in Latin version?" And so I let go writing songs.

Talking with Jessica tells us that although she writes the songs, does not like her voice and for this she asked a friend for help:

I write all the songs but I sing horrible! So I had that dilemma, who could I ask for help? It had to be someone whose voice stayed with me and who supported me with this crazy idea. I remembered then a friend from high school, Mónica Martínez. We had not seen each other for many years but I wrote to him on Facebook and he immediately said yes. I sent him some songs that I had recorded with my voice and he replied dead of laughter: "Jessica, you're crazy, of course I help you!" On Fridays we met to record the songs in my house, bought a microphone in a computer store and downloaded a program to edit videos. I had no idea how to do it but I learned by watching tutorials.

To write the songs, Jessica takes inspiration from her own life as a mother. He likes to write about the things he lives next to his son Tristan and some ideas arise from the talks she has with her friends.

Sure some will wonder how he finds time to make the videos, so Jessica confesses that It has not been easy because like every mom, your day is full of activities.

The shots in which I go out I record them only when I have no work from my business and Tristan is in school, but in those that does he is more complicated because I have to choose a time when he is in a good mood and willing to do it . I tell him that they are stories, for example, in Picky's parody there is a scene where pasta throws me at the house, so I say: "Tris, let's play a story that is about you throwing spaghetti in my face. What father, right?" And well, he happy. Since I have the scenes recorded I relax and then I start editing. I love doing this, sometimes I lose track of time and have stayed until dawn without realizing the time.

By asking how was the response of other mothers to your videos, also tells us a little more about the purpose of your channel:

The main idea is that it is a break from this 24-hour work that never ends, give it a comic twist and laugh at ourselves, although of course I exaggerate a bit to get to that point of comedy. I like to express my point of view as it is, I am a very direct and sincere person, and the truth is that being a mother is not easy or perfect. There are many stereotypes about perfect moms but they don't really exist. Then I tell my experiences through these parodies in order to give a break to other moms and not feel bad mothers if they lose patience, they lend him the cell phone, they say no to many things or occasionally they give a piece of cake with many calories as long as they have a minute of peace.

Many moms tell me that they identify with the parodies I do and that fills me with happiness because it was my goal. Here in Torreón all the comments have been positive, sometimes I meet people at the supermarket or at children's parties and they tell me that they love my videos and that they keep doing them, so I think I am fulfilling my goal. Of course, the perfect moms are not lacking, some criticized me for the parody I made of "Ginza", which tries to lend your son's cell phone to let you breathe, but it is part of this, all opinions are respected.

Photos | ImPerfecta Mom (reproduced with permission)
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