Paula Echevarría complains about the media harassment her nine-year-old daughter has to endure every day

The famous are the parents, but almost always the children end up being harassed by the media that as minors do not have to endure.

Paula Echevarría live with a cloud of paparazzi They chase her wherever she goes, and she assumes it as part of her job. But what comes to report is that it also happens when you go with your daughter, whether you take her or pick her up from school or take her to the doctor, as it happened today when the actress, fed up with the situation, recorded a video with her own mobile to complain about the harassment that his nine-year-old daughter Daniella has to endure every day.

This is what my daughter, a 9 year old girl, has to live when she goes to the doctor ... And when she goes to school ... And when she goes to the park ... And wherever she is accompanied by her parents ... Yes, her parents are people " you publish "... Yes, I know it's your job ... But where is common sense? You think it's lawful because I think it's not ... This is a reflection of my day to day and I, as an adult, manage it as I can and I eat it with potatoes and I reserve what I think… But she… Why… Why #LeyDeProteccionDelMenor # PezqueñinesNoGracias

Children do not choose to be public figures, therefore Your image must be protected as part of your right to privacy. And not only the image, but respect that it is a minor who has the right to live a normal life like that of any girl or boy her age.

At the end of the message, Paula Echavarría reflects on the Child Protection Law:

"Yes, I know what your job is ... But where is common sense? Do you think it is lawful? Because I think it is not ... This is a reflection of my day to day and I, as an adult, I manage it as I can and I I eat it with potatoes and I reserve what I think… But she?… Why?… For what? ”

The Organic Law (1/1996) of legal protection of minors, establishes in its article 4 (Right to honor, privacy and self-image) the following:

The dissemination of information or the use of images or names of minors in the media that may involve a illegitimate interference in your privacy, honor or reputation, or that is contrary to your interests, will determine the intervention of the Fiscal Ministry, which will immediately urge the precautionary and protective measures provided for in the Law and will request the corresponding compensation for the damages caused.

Paula is very active in social networks, especially on Instagram, where she has posted the complaint video, but he doesn't usually expose his daughter in the media. It can be understood that she arouses interest as a public figure, but a nine-year-old girl has the right to go to the doctor quietly with her mother, devote herself to what is dedicated, do not you think that minors should be more protected in these cases?