Is your baby smarter by watching Baby Einstein videos or listening to Mozart music?

A controversial report shows no.

According to Sara Meads, a member of Education Sector, a committee of experts on the subject, parents spend money on products that we mistakenly believe will make our babies smarter.

Although it is undeniable that the baby's brain develops vertiginously during the first three years of life, it ensures that Stimulation methods are destined to fail because they are based on misinterpretations and bad applications of brain research.

Stimulation is essential for brain development, but it is not proven that educational videos like The Smarter Baby, Baby Einstein and other tools of the style are well applied.

According to the researchers, there is much to find the key to creating more intelligent people.

He assures that the three-year barrier to develop a baby's brain is not as drastic either and that it is not true that if we do not do so at that time we will cause irreparable damage.

There is no evidence that the first three years of life are a window for growth that closes when the boy turns three, he says.

So according to the latest news, you can sit your baby in front of the TV to watch educational videos, it will be great and stimulate. But don't expect a genius of astrophysics to come out to see the entire Baby Einstein collection.

Apparently it would be nothing more than a business of someone who saw the reef in the "products to make intelligent babies", but we also stimulate the baby with a video than with a walk in the park.

Do you think these methods are effective?

Video: Mozart for Babies brain development -Classical Music for Babies-Lullabies for Babies (July 2024).