Moms bloggers: Pilar visits us, from the Todomundopeques blog

We continue with our series of interviews with moms bloggers bringing to our home a whole reference in the maternal sphere and with a few years already behind him as a blogger. We introduce you to Pilar who is in charge of the Todomundopeques blog.

She is a mother of two children, The oldest who just turned 10 and ElCanijo who already has 6, a vocation journalist and expert in Political Science by profession and blogger since February 20, 2007, in which he published his first entry.

Happily married to that one called the Holy Father, without pets in sight (you don't know how lucky you are) and he loves movies to the point of saying that he is a freak, of those who repeat dialogues of those who remain engraved in the memory, of which the names of the directors, the actors, the actresses, the musicians who participate in the soundtracks and even sometimes the directors of photography ... each one has his things.

I can't stand injustices, nonsense, hypocrisy, posturing, negativity, seeking anger, deception, falsehood, ... those things that I think we really don't like anyone.

What led you to take a day and instead of doing socks or joining the neighborhood soccer team, open a blog?

ElMayor was born three years ago and I had just lost my job a year before, I began to saturate being at home with the child while the Holy Father went to work and when your work is usually done in the street, talking with people, returning to the writing, reviewing what you have recorded, writing, ... it was a bit suffocating to stay one day after another, alone with the little one. So I needed an exhaust valve. Being able to write (which is what I like most) and be able to write about what I most "controlled" at that time: meconium, folic acid, breastfeeding, postpartum depression ... was a solution and all that gave me a blog like this

What has alldompeques contributed to you?

Lots of information on the issues that I have needed while my children grew up. Many shared experiences, the feeling that I was not doing everything wrong or were experiences that "just happened to me." The overwhelming motherhood and the blog allowed me to feel accompanied and understood.

And of course he has brought me a book almost hand in hand, a series of recognitions that I still have no clear that it deserves but ... you don't tell anyone ... just in case ...

You have been given the Woman with History 2.0 award a couple of days ago and a few months ago you released your first book, Mom full time in which you have done everything. What in my town we call a Juan Palomo, I stew it, I eat it. What has been easier, giving birth to your children or this book? How is it about launching to write and edit your own book. Is there a time when you are so calm in your house or on a terrace and say "well I could tell all this"?

Hahaha! With respect to the prize you mentioned, it was a surprise (I know that this is what everyone always says but it is true and this is always said by everyone, how unnatural I am!). My story with 2.0 you see that it is not a day's flower, which is already seven years of relationship, with our ups and downs and our moments of less fluidity but there we were. What is true is that the internet helps you to reinvent yourself and look for you in new areas and that is very appealing for someone restless. Regarding the book, yes ... Juan Palomo of pure strain! But it is also true that the feeling of not having a publishing house behind you when it comes to promoting the book shows a lot. Yes, the cover is of a friend who draws this well (Nacho Luengo) and the contents are all mine and the layout was mostly done by the Holy Father, so ... alone, what is said alone because it is not that it has been? no?

What is true is that the internet helps you to reinvent yourself and look for you in new areas and that is very appealing for someone restless.

You say of him, of the book, that it is not an instruction manual but that it could be. What kind of help can a father or mother find in your book today?

Sincerely, the one that I would have liked to find especially when my first child was born. The manuals end up generating more stress than helping you and if you try to have a global vision and read several authors it is even worse because there is a chasm between the recommendations of one and the other. In "Mom Full Time" I tell what I have lived, what we have spent together ElMayor and me, since the book describes from the birth of your first child until it begins to move by itself. All that with the glasses of common sense and a good sense of humor, all the time ... is the only thing that worked for me.

What have you found in this world 2.0 that has not given you or could not find out there, in the real world?

I don't know, I think I've found more of the same. More smiles, more good times, more information, more advice, more surprises, ... after all, 2.0 is full of "real people" with good and bad.

What would the binomial, ideal working mother-woman be like for you? Is it possible to combine the two?

Today is very complicated, I do not complain but I think that my situation is not the common one of Spanish moms who have work inside and outside (that is another story ...). The perfect binomial would be that of equality in labor rights and duties for the father and mother (maternity leave, reduced working hours ...). I think that many moms and especially many jobs could be organized more based on objectives and not on schedules as is done in our country. If taking care of the children is a constitutional obligation, the working life of the mothers should not be an impediment, but the solution is not to remove them from the labor market, as it is being done now, the solution is another.

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