We are going on vacation! Tips for traveling with babies in the car, train and plane

The long-awaited vacation has finally arrived! A small respite that will be used by many families to enjoy a few days of disconnection and rest. But, maybe it's the your baby's first trip and have lots of doubts about it!

Therefore, whether you are traveling with your little one for the first time by plane, as if you have chosen the train, or a long road trip, take a look at these tips that we share so that the Travel with your baby is as comfortable and bearable as possible.

Tips for traveling by car

The car is a comfortable option because it offers great independence when it comes to moving, but if for most adults road trips are boring and heavy, how much more are they for children!

We leave you a series of tips that can help babies to take car trips better:

  • The first thing you should do is monitor the state of the car seat in which your baby will travel. Check that you are correctly anchored to the seat and that the braces are not twisted. Remember that children should travel backwards as long as possible (and at least up to four years of age) and should never wear warm clothes.

  • Check previously the state of the roads and traffic through the DGT website. There you will find recommendations for a safe trip as well as the days and slots with more traffic forecast so that you try to avoid them.

  • Do not mark a specific duration of your trip, because Your baby is the boss and your needs should always be ahead, so it may take longer than expected. For the vehicle as many times as your child needs to change his diaper, calm his tears or feed him.

  • If you don't need to stop more often, remember that at most you should do it every two or three hours (or even every hour and a half if it's very small babies): take your little one out of her chair so she can stretch her legs and get fresh air. If you already walk Let him run a little before starting again.

  • Note that not all gas stations or service areas are equipped For babies or children. Some do not have changing rooms in their toilets, are very small or the common areas are uncomfortable or are poorly enabled for children. If possible, inform yourself in advance of the best service areas to schedule your stops.

  • Always have a bag with the essentials of your baby for the trip: wipes, diapers, change of change, healthy snacks (if you already take solids), water or milk (if you do not breastfeed), toys ...

  • Try take advantage of your baby's sleeping hours to travel. In this way, the trip will be more comfortable for everyone.

  • Place parasols in the rear windows of the vehicle, control the temperature inside and check your baby's condition frequently to see if he sweats or if, on the contrary, he has cold hands or feet.

Tips for traveling by plane

The plane is a fast means of transport and sometimes the only one possible according to our destination, but it can be somewhat uncomfortable when traveling with children, especially if they are very small.

We leave you some tips that could help you better take the plane trip:

  • Don't go to the airport in just the right time. It is preferable to wait there with your baby, to overwhelm you if unforeseen events arise and boarding time is approaching.

  • Take a bag with everything your baby may need, both while waiting in the departure lounge and during the flight. Try to fill it only with essential things, but do not skimp on diapers or forget a spare change and toys.

  • Although it is obvious, never lose sight of your child, especially if your baby is already independent and walks or if it is an older child. Losing sight of our son is one of the greatest terrors of the parents, and the airports are very wide and crowded spaces, where in the blink of an eye they could get confused.

  • When you reach your destination, Are you going to travel by car? If so, do not forget to take a child restraint system appropriate to the age, weight and size of your child.

  • We know that preparing a suitcase when traveling with children can be a complicated task. There are always doubts about what is really essential and what is not, but try to lighten your luggage to the fullest. Think about the things you can buy at your destination and so you will save weight and space in the suitcase. The less barges you carry and the lighter they are, the more practical and comfortable it will be for everyone.

  • Do not forget to consult the transport policy of liquids and food. And if your baby feeds on breastfeeding but for some reason you want to have it removed, check in this post the recommendations of a lactation consultant for proper preservation.

  • At the time of select your flight schedule, try to adapt it as much as possible to the schedules, needs and rhythms of your baby. If we respect your sleep and feeding routines, your little one will remain calm during the flight, and therefore, you too

  • At the time of select seats, the most advisable thing is to let yourself be advised by the company's staff and try to find a comfortable and quiet place for your little one to rest.

Tips for traveling by train

For many families, train travel is the ideal option because on the train there is more space to get up and walk, or disconnect in the wagon-cafeteria. It is true that train trips are not as fast as airplanes, but they are usually more comfortable.

If you are going to travel the train with your baby, we leave you these tips to help you with the trip:

  • If you are going to travel with Renfe you should know that the tickets to travel by AVE, Long Distance and Avant to Children under 4 who do not occupy a seat are free. But it is important to get the "Free child ticket", because without it you cannot access the train.

  • Renfe also offers interesting discounts for children under 14 or under four years of age who are going to occupy a position, as well as for large families or families of four who wish to travel at a table.

  • If you don't have an ergonomic backpack or baby carrier and your baby will travel in arms It may be a good time to consider the idea of ​​buying one or borrowing from someone you trust. Without a doubt, the trip will be much more comfortable for both of you and you will appreciate having more freedom of movement while your child rests on you.

  • If you are going to take a long distance tour, trains with cabins are ideal for trips with children, as they will allow you to sleep comfortably and take advantage of the services offered by the train that resemble those of a hotel.

  • Try to be cautious about the weight and number of bags you carry, then you will have to carry them at all times, and upload them to the wagon and to the indicated compartments.

  • As in the previous cases, do not forget to prepare a bag where you have everything your baby may need on hand during the journey And as we have advised you with air travel, if in your destination you are going to move by car, remember to take an adequate retention system.

  • Remember that on the train you will not be able to travel with the cart deployed, but if you find a disabled place that is not occupied, ask the staff if you and your baby can use it with the cart open.

  • In the Diario del Viajero New European airport security regulations

  • In Babies and More Why children should go in the car in reverse until at least 4 years old, Why it is very dangerous to take children in the car seat with the coat on, Why babies can not be more than one an hour and a half in the car seat, essential to travel by car with the baby, with the little ones it is more, especially when leaving home

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