A mother reminds us that the memories our children will have will be of the moments we spend with them

A mother's day to day is always full of multiple activities and pending issues that we have to attend. From the care of children, to our responsibilities with certain household chores, it is not surprising that we occasionally feel pressured or think that we are not doing things well enough.

But a mother has reminded us, through a photograph that her daughter has taken, that The most important thing is not to always have the house tidy, but the time we share next to our children.

Esther Anderson is a mother who stays at home, who has a blog called "Story of this life" in which she tells her experiences and experiences as a mother. You probably remember her for her funny videos, in which she shares what it is like to sleep with a baby or how complicated and funny it can be to do housework with a baby that messes up everything in her path.

Recently he shared a photo on his Facebook page, in which we can see a scene that many probably find familiar: the chaos of having young children at home. In the picture, Esther appears in the background, sitting on the sofa in her house with her baby in her arms, surrounded by the clothes she was trying to order.

But what has attracted the attention of thousands of mothers, has not been the photograph itself, but the message with which Esther has accompanied her, and that reminds us of what is really important.

The baby was very demanding, the girls were fighting and I had all morning trying to sort the clothes without getting anywhere. So I gave them my cell phone for them to play and Ellia took this picture, turned to see me and said seriously: "You are a good mom."

I literally laughed, thinking about the morning chaos and the frustratingness of my mother's mood, how I had just yelled at them and was about to give up and let them continue fighting.

I found this photo later on my mobile and it reminded me that the memories that our children will have someday will not be of how messy the house was and the little clothes that took their place in the drawers, but will be of the moments Let us spend with them. (And try not to yell at your children)

Esther's post has resonated with many mothers, not only because it shows us a real picture of what a house usually looks like when there are young children playing in it all day, but because the message is one with which it is easy to identify. The image has more than 15,300 reactions on Facebook and has been filled with comments from other moms.

Many of them also share those moments when they have felt bad mothers or are not doing things well, and their children say beautiful words, which make them realize that they do not look at the perfection of things, but on the emotional value of the time they spend together.

Remember the really important

When we are mothers we stay at home, many times we are invaded by those kinds of feelings in which we think we are not doing things right, because it seems we can't do much all day.

But really, we are doing one of the biggest tasks we can have: educate, care for and raise another human being. It is a job that demands a lot of responsibility, time and energy, but it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful that can exist, and that will also leave us great life lessons.

It is true, there may be days in which, in addition to taking care of our children, the house looks clean and we manage to finish many things, which will make us feel successful. But We should not feel bad or guilty if we fail to finish all the tasks we set ourselvesWell, difficult days are also part of this adventure called motherhood.

Our children will be small only once, and we must take advantage to share every moment by their side, enjoying watching them grow and helping them discover the world around them. Dirty clothes and dishes can wait a bit, but our children never stop growing.

And in the end, as Esther says, our children probably won't remember how orderly or messy the house is, but what is truly important to them: those beautiful moments that we share with them.

Photos | iStock
Via | Babble
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