The nine rules of a Navarre club for parents who are going to watch their children play football

To play something, you must first know the rules. In the Cortes de Navarra Sports Club the children of the football teams already know them, it is their parents who have to do the homework.

In the field sports a huge poster that details the nine rules that parents who attend as spectators have to follow to the games of his children, among which are "don't shout at the coach" or understand that "this is a game".

Sportsmanship and respect

Practicing sports has an infinite number of benefits for physical and mental health and when done as a team, better than better, because children learn to work together for an objective, to respect peers, to assume successes and failures ...

However, sometimes all the work that is carried out in these early stages of the sport is thrown out by parents in their eagerness to protect their child, for inciting him to be more competitive or simply because they lose their nerves.

This is what you want to avoid in this club in the Navarre town of Cortes, where they have hung a huge and striking sign on the playing field with the Game rules for parents.

Rules for parents

Next to the phrase "Parents, we want to play with these 9 rules", it is detailed what is expected of the parents who accompany their children from the stands:

  1. Don't yell at me in public
  2. Don't yell at the coach
  3. Leave the referee alone
  4. Encourage my classmates
  5. Don't lose your cool
  6. Enjoy watching me play
  7. Don't give me lessons
  8. This is just a game.
  9. With your support I will be happy

They seem like very basic rules, but the ease with which parents can lose nerve when it comes to sports is amazing. American basketball coach Frank Martin gave a valuable lesson to parents in this viral video, tired of disrespect in children's games. But when we talk about parents who shout, boo on the contrary or criticize every decision of the coach, the palm is taken by football, where they have even experienced aggressions from parents at the end of the game against referees or coaches.

Lead by example

We are a model of our children, both at home and on the street. With our respectful attitude towards sport and the effort children are making in the field, we enhance the positive values ​​that accompany this activity.

And if we add to that, promote a healthy lifestyle by practicing family sports, better than better.

In Babies and more Everyone must get involved to enhance the positive values ​​of school-age sport, "sporty" parents, sports children

Video: ANDORRA - WikiVidi Documentary (July 2024).