Extreme cleaning

Many parents are fans of cleaning, to the point that a speck of dust makes them suffer a lot and even more if they have a small child. Wanting to have the immaculate house to avoid possible infections of the baby is normal, since the instinct of protection of the parents is accentuated, marking a before and after in terms of domestic hygiene.

But is such neatness really necessary? Does such an aseptic environment benefit the baby? The conclusion we reach is that cleaning is not sterilizing. Sometimes the toilet can be confused with a form of sterilization, that is, the total elimination of the microorganisms that surround us.

This is not good for family health, every time new products that are really antiseptic are released, being able to destroy all living microorganisms, whether they are good or bad. For this reason, it does not hurt that we consult an allergist, he will inform you of how important some microorganisms are for humans and therefore should not be destroyed. Numerous studies have shown that children who grow up in an excessively clean environment are much more likely to suffer from some type of allergy, since their immune system needs minimal doses of microbes to be active and healthy.

According to experts, although young children are very often in contact with the ground, it is not necessary to clean the house daily or clean the dust every day but this only applies in case of healthy children, since on the contrary, if The child is allergic, so you must clean the soil and dust of the whole house daily, and you must ventilate it well.

Our common sense will dictate the guidelines to follow, it is clear that if the soil is dirty, it must be cleaned, even from one day to another, or if we have pets we should also accentuate the cleanliness, since there is always much more dirt and their hairs.

Let's not be fans of the extreme cleaning, but of the toilet. It is something that will help properly in the development of our baby.

Video: Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners S05E01 720p Season 5 Episode 1 (July 2024).