Food, key to reducing the risk of premature delivery

Eating problems affect all women, whether teenagers or adults. An obsession with being thin leads to a food deficiency that leads to a high rate of premature births or newborns with low weight. This is caused by the low intake of food that results in the future baby not receiving the essential nutrients and vitamins suitable for its development and evolution. Feeding is a key factor in reducing the risk of premature delivery..

There are several doctors and experts who warn of these dangers and who advise how the future mother should prepare for the path of pregnancy, two months before conception, in the case of seeking pregnancy, a future mother should prepare with a balanced diet in necessary vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, folate, iodine, copper, calcium, vitamins A, B, E, etc. According to this expert, one of the main causes of the high rate of premature births and newborns with low weight is precisely a low intake of food, resulting in deficiencies of essential vitamins for the fetus during the first twenty weeks of gestation.

It is very important that, if you want to get pregnant, you prepare your body so that everything develops correctly, without health problems for you or your baby, in this way you will be able to avoid possible injuries or deficiencies in your child.

Proper feeding is a weapon that you should use and try to put aside the obsession with the figure, since waiting for a child is something so great that it makes you able to overcome any feeding problem.

Video: The Best Ever Gift for a Premature Baby - ROP Screening to prevent blindness! (July 2024).