Missing obstetricians in Spain

In Catalonia, Aragon and the Canary Islands they have had to supply with family doctors the specialists who attend births, among others. According to the president of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO), José Manuel Bajo Arenas, specialists in Spain are scarce to bring children to the world.

The president of SEGO says that obstetricians move to the gynecology branch that has expanded with infertility treatments for example. It considers that the main cause of this abandonment of personnel is due to the fact that their work has become a risk activity.

They are required that the pregnant woman is in perfect condition during pregnancy, that the delivery is not very traumatic and that a healthy child is born, if not, the obstetrician is blamed and is not necessarily true, but there are already many complaints that they carry behind their backs, with fines of a lot of money, imprisonment and disqualification from the trade. For more inri, the birth rate in our country has grown due to the increase of the immigrant population, for this reason the solution to the shortage of medical personnel is sought, in this field and in others, using experts from abroad.

Without going any further, for the inauguration of the new Formentera Hospital that will open its doors next January, these types of measures have already been taken, have made a public offer, in addition to our country, in the European Union to cover various plazas.

Video: Your Radiologist Explains: Pelvic & Obstetric Ultrasound (July 2024).