Violent children

An interesting article shows us a harsh reality about what some parents spend with their children, they are "tyrant and emperor" children who impose their despotism dominating and directing the situation, in short, they are violent children. But not happy with it they also practice physical and psychological aggressions plunging parents into a true depression, family harmony does not exist. These parents have a single and clear question, how have we failed?

As indicated in the article, today parents do not know how to educate their children, the truth is that there are many determinants of this unique result.

There are many psychologists who try to avoid these situations by helping both parents and children, since the problem is both. The children do not think that they are doing something wrong and that it deeply damages their parents and the parents have a great feeling of guilt. In the article they do not talk about children up to 6 years of age, it is about children from 12 years old, but we say, when a tree starts to grow, if you see it twists it is easier to straighten it when it is still a small tree , but if you let it grow to your free will it will be almost impossible to keep it upright.

Looking for the beginning of the problem we could go back to the first years of the child, his training and the behavior of the rest of the family are important aspects for proper behavior. Trying to remedy a problem before it can arise is the parents' task.

A great legion of educators and psychologists are within our reach so that tomorrow a violent and tyrant son is not formed. Do not forget to read the interesting article provided by Noticias de Guipúzcoa.

Video: How to Handle Violent Behavior. Child Psychology (July 2024).