Delayed intrauterine growth

The future baby develops and grows inside the uterus within parameters that are consistent with the weeks of gestation, in certain cases the baby's growth may also occur at two extremes, or it has grown very little or too much. These two situations are alterations of intrauterine development, in this case we will talk about the first case, of delayed intrauterine growth.

The diagnosis of delayed intrauterine growth It is done through ultrasound scans where the evolution and growth of the size of the uterus is appreciated. Some of the causes that predispose this situation are given by a poor diet of the future mother, that there is a chronic disease in her or that she suffers from high blood pressure. The causes can also be caused by the fetus itself, who suffers from a chromosomal disorder or who suffers some type of viral infection that prevents it from growing properly.

Another reason may be a poor functioning of the placenta, as you know, this organ is responsible for feeding and oxygenation of the baby and should work optimally. As for the external elements of the body that can influence this poor growth, they can be the consumption of alcohol, smoking or the intake of any toxic product such as drugs. In most cases it cannot be ascertained reliably what has been the reason for delayed intrauterine growth but what is certain is that it is controlled thoroughly, since the well-being of the future baby depends largely on it.

For babies who have developed under these conditions, the time of delivery is very delicate, since they do not have the capacity to withstand the stress of childbirth. In many occasions they are born through caesarean section, because they usually present some complication causing fetal suffering. The problems do not end here, after birth new complications may appear, such as a deficient nutritional reserve, an excess in the amount of red blood cells, etc., these problems are a direct consequence of the state in which the baby was inside uterus.

Anyway, these problems can be remedied and within a few weeks of birth, the baby has adapted to the new environment and has regained the weight and oxygenation required for his body. A good advice to follow is to make a healthy and balanced diet where nutrients are not lacking, eliminate alcohol, tobacco or any toxic product that can directly or indirectly affect the baby, make a healthy lifestyle for the good of the future baby.

Video: Fetal growth abnormalities (July 2024).