How to know if your child is hyperactive

There are many moms who can ask this question, is my child hyperactive? The truth is that they have enough reasons to ask it, children tend to be more nervous than normal, are more restless, are more easily distracted, etc.

You have to have a clear thing, only the specialist is able to make the diagnosis and answer with certainty to this question, however, if you suspect that your child is hyperactive, you can perform three questions that will give you more evidence about the possibility of your child's hyperactivity.

Is your child impulsive ?, If you see that he usually interrupts during a conversation, does not allow the play of other children bothering them, if you ask him a question he does not let you finish it and he answers you, it is very possible that he meets the first requirement that indicates that he has hyperactivity Do you suffer from attention deficit? Do not pay attention to details, do not pay attention to explanations that may involve extra mental effort and avoid complicated conversations. If you speak to him, he seems not to listen and anything is a cause for distraction, he is quite forgetful and ignores the instructions, advice, etc., that you can provide.

Do you suffer from hyperactivity? You are not still for a moment, do not usually play quietly, talk excessively, give the impression that your energy is inexhaustible.

If the child meets most of the requirements that we have mentioned, it is possible that he is an overactive child and it would be advisable to go to the specialist to provide him with the appropriate treatment for a balanced physical and psychic development. The medication and the form of action that parents should adopt will be the way to go, in the network there are different places that inform you, advise you, help you during the treatment, the ADANA Foundation is an ideal place that provides the necessary support to the Popes.

Video: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment of ADHD in Children (July 2024).