Jessica Alba and her birth under hypnosis

Giving birth is part of women's sexuality and for this reason it is an act that usually requires few things in the head and that women get carried away as much as possible.

This is often difficult because health professionals tend to interrupt a lot (at least so far they have done so) and because women in Western societies (and men too, eye) are poorly connected to their body and have not learned, or They have forgotten when they were children, to listen to their feelings and work to cope with them or overcome them.

It is for this reason that many of the women who want to try a natural birth end up asking for the epidural and it is for this reason that most women end up needing some kind of help to alleviate the pain of childbirth.

One of the possibilities that exist is to try to go, mentally, the best prepared possible, even reaching use hypnosis to enter a state so that the woman can give birth noticing the least possible pain, as the actress recommends Jessica Alba.

I do not know if it is effective and I do not know very well if it is really a hypnosis or to achieve a state of maximum relaxation that helps you control the moment, so as I do not know of anyone in my environment who has given birth under hypnosis I have wanted to know what this actress told us about it.

As he says the hypnosis classes work differently to each person, although in spite of that She recommends it to all future mothers, because it helps to be relaxed.

Jessica Alba already had a daughter a few years ago, named Honor Marie, with whom she went to give birth, she says, terrified if something went wrong and panicked or became blocked. Now, instead, she says she is much calmer and more relaxed.

A few months ago, to learn more about hypnosis in childbirth, we interviewed Pilar Vizcaíno, president of the National Association of Prenatal Education, asking him about this type of birth that is called hypnosis and told us that with hypnosis the woman reaches a state of deep relaxation that does not need the epidural.

As I said then, I am convinced that going to give birth having done an intense mental and relaxation work helps to live the moment of childbirth in another way, surely needing less interventions to mitigate the pain.

Video: Woman Claims Hypnosis for Childbirth Works (July 2024).