Accept baby's temper

What makes one baby different from another? Basically, his character.

Attitudes that we can observe from the moment they are born. Its level of activity, how it observes the world, if it is weeping, irritable, calm, sleepy….

With the temperament one is born, but also it is constructed in the measure in which the baby is related to the world that surrounds him.

In seventy percent, the character is determined by its genetic inheritance, the other part is like a malleable mass that is formed according to lived experiences.

From the time a baby is born until about three years old, the child is forming your own personality.

How he responds to stimuli, his way of acting against the environment, how he reacts to everyday situations such as sleep or food, are all actions through which the child manifests his character.

We can have difficult, weeping, calm or irritable children. The important thing, according to child psychologists, is that parents learn to recognize the character of our baby, accept it and respect it.

If we have a crying and easily irritable baby, we cannot change that situation. We must accept it and act accordingly. Surely, in that case your baby requires all your attention and patience to meet his needs.

They advise that parents do not idealize a perfect baby model, but accept that the baby we have is the one that has touched us, with its defects and virtues.

Although it is very difficult to classify, a pediatric specialist catalogs temperament into three categories in a Bogotá newspaper: the easy or calm child, the difficult one and the slow or reserved one.

I recommend you read the entire article because it is very interesting and can help you better understand your baby's temperament.