Baby meets the mother of her great grandmother

Yes that is a notion in the times that run.

In these days accustomed to knowing about births of babies of almost elderly mothers, we learned that in a town in Argentina The sixth generation of women in the same family was born.

The most curious thing is that they all live. That is, the little newborn girl has had the privilege of meeting her “trastatarabuela”, “bistatarabuela”, “quadriamuela” or whatever the mother of a great-great grandmother is called, which, by the way, is so unusual that there is no term in the dictionary to define it.

The family tendency to become mothers practically in adolescence has been repeated again.

The mother is only 19 years old, her grandmother 38, the great-grandmother, 54, her great-great grandmother 71, and the oldest of the generation, 90 years old.

Some time ago it could be considered something frequent, or at least not so strange, but today it is almost unheard of for a baby to meet the sixth generation of women in his family. The most common is to meet grandparents and at best great grandparents, but beyond, in a few cases.

The crazy thing about this world is that a baby has a 71-year-old great-great grandmother on one map, while on the other, two babies have a mother of 67.

What is certain is that the little girl has a lot of family to enjoy.

Video: Baby Meets Great Grandpa For The First Time (July 2024).