Help to promote birth, who gives more?

In Galicia they get on the aid car for having children, the Galician Nationalist Bloc has just announced that it will provide 1,500 euros for each child born or adopted in Lalín, a municipality in the province of Pontevedra. It gives the impression that we are living a “Who gives more?”, During the last months we have been able to verify how the helps to promote birth And every new news offers more money.

After knowing the statistics of the municipal population register in Lalín and verifying that there is only an average of 150 births per year, the decision of the Galician Nationalist Bloc aims to alleviate the low birth rate. They know perfectly well that this solution is not strong enough, but they hope it will help the whole set of measures that are included in their program. Some of the measures include the creation of playgrounds, public transportation for children, schools, etc. Promoting birth is a task that the city councils of Spanish cities have more and more present and increasingly offer greater economic amounts.

Although these are still below some of the aid offered in the European Union, they are more important than those offered by the central government. In this regard, the municipalities win their hands and make greater efforts to encourage the Spaniards to increase their families. What is the Central Government waiting to change the policy of helping new parents? Or do you expect others to solve the problem of low birth?

Video: Injured Fox Gives Birth To Cubs By C-Section (July 2024).