Do not neglect, campaign to raise awareness about the prevention of childhood accidents

The Ministry of Health has initiated a new campaign under the motto “If you neglect your home it can be dangerous for your children. Do not neglect. Avoid accidents. For more than you want". It is very necessary to raise awareness among many parents about the dangers that are hidden in the home for our children, to remind us they give us figures for 2004, year in which 1,500 children died due to traffic or domestic accidents.

With this campaign that will be disseminated through television, press, radio, internet, etc., it is intended to reduce mortality and childhood injuries, whether at home, in parks or when traveling by car, as the Secretary General of Health, is about "raising preventive awareness in society and parents to make possible the goal of preventing accidents in childhood."

It is painful data and alarming figures, 38% of the children died due to traffic accidents, 21% due to choking, choking or strangulation caused by bags, coins or small pieces of toys. 6% of infant mortality was due to falls, so it is recommended to place doors on stairs, bars in the windows and avoid leaving children alone in places where there is danger. Other causes were fire burns in homes, it is clear that the risk of accident exists and can happen in the blink of an eye.

Childhood death due to accidents is twice as high as cancer can cause and eight times higher than respiratory illness. The issue is that these deaths are preventable.

Video: eVideoSHOW-Unicef Malaysia-Childline 15999-Against Child Abuse Campaign-防虐待儿童热线 (July 2024).