Dads and moms' blogs: paternal nocturnal deafness, the other one ready to go back to school and more

Like every week, one of the sections we like the most comes in which we share some of the most interesting articles that have been published in the moms and dads blogs.

We start with And do you really have three? (a question that I have been asked several times as if the mothers of three or more were aliens) with a very funny entry about paternal nighttime deafness. Surely more than one (and one) will feel identified.

Speechless. This is how this shocking story of Noah left me in Princesses and princesses About his stolen motherhood. A moving story about the death of a daughter and becoming a mother again thanks to surrogacy. Do not stop reading it.

In Maternity as you can They talk to us in Father's Councils about those places so helpful for parents where to spend time with the kids when they take vacations in the city.

We like maternity blogs a lot, but occasionally we also want to change the subject. In Mommy Treated, Tricius recommends some non-maternal blogs that I like very much. To pass and look.

The school arrives and we all prepare to face it as well as possible. At pediatrician Gloria Colli's blog You will find the other list for the return to school, as useful as that of backpacks and uniforms. Take note.

In The adventure of my pregnancy We continue in the countdown. Alejandra shares her changes, preparations and sensations in My 34 and 35 weeks of pregnancy. There is very little left to finally see the baby's face.

And finally, Lydia, from Parents in diapers He tells us that his son has turned 6 months and wonders what can he play with? Recommend a few ideal toys for children of that age who begin to discover the world.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog in which you talk about your maternity or paternity that is updated and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.