Pregnancies reduce the risk of breast cancer

An expert in oncology, Dr. César Rodríguez, a doctor at the University Hospital of Salamanca has explained that having fewer children is a risk factor for developing breast cancer, as well as having them at later ages or not having them during the fertile age.

For those of us who don't have much idea about the relationship between pregnancies and breast cancer, I have been investigating a bit about it.

The key seems to be in estrogen, a hormone secreted by the ovaries and adrenal glands that stimulate cell multiplication. The breast tissue turns out to be extremely sensitive to estrogen.

By increasing the concentration of estrogen in the body, it is possible that some genetic error occurs that causes abnormal and disorderly growth of the cells, that is to say cancer.

When pregnancy occurs, estrogen levels decrease to give way to the hormones involved in pregnancy thus reducing exposure to estrogen and the possibility of this uncontrolled cell growth.

Just as several studies have shown that breastfeeding decreases the risk of breast cancer, having children too.

It has been observed that as the birth rate increases, the incidence of breast cancer is decreased in the population.

That is, a woman who has had pregnancies is less likely to get sick from that type of cancer.

One more reason to join the maternity club.

Video: Breast Cancer in Pregnancy. Gina's Story (July 2024).