Pregnancy calendar: from week 13 to week 16

We continue with the pregnancy calendar with a description of how the baby develops inside the mother's womb week by week.

This period is very important as the baby begins to grow and gain weight at a rapid pace. In addition, although the little one does not find out they are key weeks because mark the passage from the first trimester to the second trimester of pregnancy.

As I mentioned in the previous post, in week 12 the risk of a miscarriage is markedly reduced since the primary structures and the main organs of the baby are already formed; Abnormalities at this stage of pregnancy are rare.

In the week 13 During pregnancy, the baby is already 11 weeks old, measures about 7 cm and weighs about 20 grams. He already has a bone structure and although it seems a lie his hands already have his 27 little bones.

Their eyes approach their final position in the midline of the face, just like the ears are placed in place and the thin eyelids, which are glued together, cover your eyes.

The middle intestine, which until now was outside the baby's body, is located inside the abdomen, while the abdominal wall is closed and the navel has already formed where the umbilical cord enters.

In the week 14 of pregnancy we have already left behind the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, that is, the first trimester, and we enter the second quarter which covers until week 26.

In this week the appearance of the baby is identical to that of a newborn baby, but in miniature size. It measures about 10 centimeters and weighs 30 grams. He already moves his head from side to side and his body begins to grow more proportionate, the head does not occupy two thirds of its size as before. The fingerprints begin to form on the fingertips and their kidneys work by producing urine.

In the week 15 his skin is covered by a thin layer of hair called lanugo that will disappear almost completely after birth, also his head begins to cover itself with hair.

Her legs and arms continue to grow and she can already make wide movements inside the amniotic fluid sac, although they are not yet strong enough for the mother to feel them through the walls of the uterus.

The baby begins to develop the sense of taste and in this it has a lot to do with what you eat since the different flavors come through the amniotic fluid. Some studies have shown that babies have a preference for certain foods even before birth. It is known that they opt for sweet flavors, so the baby moves more when we eat some very sweet food like a chocolate or a treat.

In the week 16 Their sexual organs can already be seen clearly through an ultrasound, so if you let “their parts” be seen, you will be able to find out if it is a boy or a girl, although it is in the high resolution ultrasound around week 20 when they usually confirm it.

The baby, with 14 weeks of life, measures about 12 cm and weighs just between 100 and 150 grams, could fit in the palm of the hand. The nuchal translucency begins to disappear and its head begins to be more straight and not so supported on the torso.

He is already a small human being who can move, reacts to the light, begins to distinguish flavors and develop smell, just as he can hear you and reacts before tactile stimulations, so you can start communicating with your baby through caresses and the voice.

As of this week, some mothers may begin to notice the baby's movements, but they still cannot be called pataditas. It is a slight “mariposeo” or bubbling in the lower belly that you will notice if you pay close attention, especially if you lie on your stomach. Women who are not first time, that is, who have had previous pregnancies, may begin to notice it earlier.

With respect to the mother, the second trimester that begins in these weeks is the one that the mother enjoys the most. In general, the discomforts of the first weeks have disappeared or at least have diminished considerably. From now on, the belly will begin to grow rapidly and also during this quarter you will begin to feel the baby moving inside you.

He pregnancy calendar is advancing This is a stage of pregnancy in which the extra weight is not excessive, allowing the mother to perform all kinds of activities, the fears of the first weeks have also passed and the frantic action of the hormones of the first weeks has calmed a little bit. It is an ideal time to enjoy full pregnancy, they will surely tell you that you are very beautiful because at this point it is said that the pregnancies are blessed with the "glow of pregnancy".

Video: PREGNANCY TRANSFORMATION. Week By Week Progress (July 2024).